Notes on discussion of CornSource presentations, Tuesday Oct. 3 Hudson -Cargill, White, Vlahos, Hudson: Extensive discussion of "nonthermal pressure" possibilities -Tomczak: check Harrison papers for coronal HXR? Masuda -Hudson: was there an estimate of the plasma density at the Masuda source location? - see EM maps -Krucker: how occulted was this event? Don't really know -Sui: worried about HXR image method? Probably not -Vlahos: time scales? -Vlahos: model inconsistency with electron transport? -White: how to thermalize at such high temperatures? It's a problem -Krucker: Would BCS have seen the high-T component? No -Vlahos, Fletcher, White: Is the target plausible? -Hudson, Fletcher, Cargill: What is the density? Fletcher: see Tsuneta's paper, ApJ 478 (1997) -Many: full discussion of the cartoon... is the density plausible? -Fletcher: explanation of 1995, 1997 work; expectation of "collapsing trap" models coming now -Vlahos, Cargill, Fletcher, Hudson: discussion of current sheets and geometry "flexible" modeling would probably allow the observed HXR color map -Vlahos: Attempted re-cartoonification in terms of a simple black box -Fletcher: But something is really happening up there! -Veronig: But what about the Neupert effect (and other evidence, such as CME/flare association)? -Hudson: Can't we focus on different kinds of events? -Fletcher: Orderly footpoint motion... -Cargill, Fletcher, Hudson, White, Krucker: how does Markus do it? -Hudson: ad-hoc assumptions in the TOF modeling -Hudson, White, Cargill: rebuttal of interpretation of looptop turbulence? -Sui: such a high source is unique... Tomczak will discuss -Sui: regular looptop sources seen in Low band? Tomczak -White: what about single sources? Separate groupings into 4 categories. SXT loops determine what's a FP and what's not. -Krucker, Hudson: selection from peak time biases towards loop top? -Cargill: confusion about "inside" in SM's table -Hudson: error bars in timeseries analysis -Sui: why use T if one is thinking about a nonthermal model for impulsive component? Just arbitrary -Vlahos: must consider heating as well as acceleration. Isn't this different from the Neupert effect? HH answer - No. -Sui, Krucker: smooth looptop source is like GOES -Sui: could confuse source separation as motion? No -Hudson: why not a continuum, rather than a bimodal distribution? Interesting -Fletcher, Vlahos, White: can really strong scattering really help (Karlicky's idea)? No -Cargill: see Ross Galloway's recent paper -Vlahos: are there distinct HXR and SXR sources? No -Krucker: Masuda source separation is larger Sui -Hudson: I'm confused. Ans: Wait. -White: What is the geometrical distinction - projection? -Cargill: Eeeek! (viewing Shibata cartoon) -Hudson: Can't really believe the Shibata et al. 1995 plasmoids -Cargill: Can't we have solitons instead of plasmoids anyway? -Vlahos: Can you do imaging spectroscopy? Maybe some... -Vlahos: Does the coronal source motion appear to affect the flare loops? No, but the timing is interesting -Vlahos: If one is seeing the higher end, why not the "current sheet" itself? Interpret as piling-up against overlying field -Fletcher: filament? Didn't see a filament, but there was a CME -White, Vlahos: Consistent with cooling times? With thick-target separation? Continuous reconnection could explain it -Vlahos: Have done energetics analysis of current sheet? How much magnetic energy? -Krucker: It's thermal, not so difficult -Vlahos: Few studies of heating by current sheet; need analysis of energetics -Cargill: Please show the Shibata cartoon again - is the energy separation just a geometrical effect? Probably not -Hudson: Probably the temperature structure also would be consistent with an arcade of distinct loops -Krucker: Do the multiple sources move coherently? How do you explain the complex structure of the loop? CLEAN looks better than Pixons here (?) -Vlahos: What is the size? Hard to be sure... -Hudson: Beware of temperature dependence in EUV images. But it looks like motion -Fletcher, Vlahos, Cargill: Hundhausen-type current sheet? -White: Let the presentation continue! -White: Note that we are talking about a flux rope now, rather than a 2D current sheet. -Cargill: Can't really talk about causality in a global LOE description -Fletcher: Where's the flux rope? White: it's irrelevant -Cargill: Why not a 3-legged event? -White: Li-Gan imaging at Nobeyama may be an artifact, especially at 24 GHz -Cargill: Of the 88, how many CME events? -Hudson: explanation of "implosion" idea. General skepticism -Vlahos: What is the morphological difference? Looptops -Hudson: Is this the evaporation flow? Yes (28-Nov-02 event) -Cargill: If not evaporation, then maybe Alfven-speed fluctuations in heating? -Hudson: Worry about 6.4 keV vs 6.7 keV in terms of nonthermal interpretation -Cargill: Tearing mode as an alternative? We're considering transport mainly -Vlahos: What sort of simulations? Single fixed loop, vary the accelerator parameters. The model can't explain everything, though