The water content of the upper Martian surface

The geographic distribution of Water-equivalent-hydrogen as measured by GRS on Mars Odyssey (Feldmann et al. 2004)
The primary aim of this ISSI-supported cooperation is to advance our understanding of water in the upper several meters of the Martian surface. By combining
  1. Water- and surface-related observational results from
    1. Mars Odyssey (water: GRS/NS/HEND; infrared: THEMIS)
    2. Mars Global Surveyor (infrared: TES)
    3. MER investigations (Mini-TES)
    4. Mars Express
    5. Terrestrial analogue sites (Antarctic dry valleys, Atacama Desert)
  2. Results of laboratory experiments on
    1. Hydration/sorption-processes of Mars-relevant soils,
    2. Adsorption water-triggered photo-chemical processes
    3. Influence of sorption/adsorption water on physical properties (such as thermal and electric conductivities, mechanical properties, electromagnetic/optical properties, etc.)
  3. Numerical thermophysical modeling of processes and properties, including observational and laboratory based results to describe diurnal-, seasonal-, and depth dependences of
    1. Temperatures
    2. Structural properties (such as porosity, capillarity)
    3. Water vapor density
    4. Sorption/adsorption- and bulk water
    5. Water ice
we plan to achieve a better understanding of this complex system of soil and water in different phases and its interactions with the atmosphere and the deeper subsurface.

Team meetings at ISSI

The first meeting was held from Nov. 17.-20. 2004.
The second meeting took place from June 13.-17.2005.
The third meeting will take place from June 19.-23. The agenda is available now.

Remote cooperations

We will continue and strengthen our contacts and our cooperation (also between the meetings). Main items for a "remote cooperation" (between the meetings) are:
  1. Laboratory experiments
    Initiative: D. Möhlmann, V. Formisano
  2. Climate simulation
    Initiative: B. Feldman, F. Forget
  3. Seasonal changes
    Initiative: I. Mitofanov
  4. Thermophysical surface/subsurface modeling
    Initiative: J. Helbert
  5. Terrestrial analogs (Dry Valleys)
    Initiative by" tbd" (J. Helbert is in charge for more details)
  6. Common (agreed) views wrt water by GRS, PFS, Omega
    Initiative: W. Boynton

Team members

D. Bish (USA)
B. Boynton (USA)
Ph. Christensen (USA)
S. Clifford (USA)
W. Feldman (USA)
F. Forget (Fr)
J. Helbert (D)
J. Jänchen (D)
G. Klingelhöfer (D)
I. Mitrofanov (Ru)
D. Möhlmann (Team Leader, D)
Web author: Jörn Helbert