Rounded Rectangle: Team Members






J.P. Rozelot


Av. Copernic 06130 GRASSE (F)

Telephone: ++33 (0)4 93 40 53 33

 Fax: ++33 (0)4 93 40 53 33

Jean-Pierre Rozelot <>


Alexander Kosovichev

Stanford University

W.W. Hansen Experimental

Physics Laboratory

Stanford, CA 94305{4095

Telephone: ++1- 650-723-7667


Jeffrey R Kuhn

Institute for Astronomy

University of Hawaii

2680 Woodlawn Dr.

Honolulu, HI, 96822

Telephone: +1-808-956-8968


Katie Coughlin

School of Mathematics, Meteorology and Physics 

University of Reading (UK)

Telephone: +44 (0) 118 378 6014 (internal 6014)

Fax: +44 (0) 118 378 8316


Michele Bianda

Istituto Ricerche Solari Locarno

Via Patocchi

CH-6605 Locarno-Monti

Telephone:  091 743 42 26


Marcelo Emilio

Ponta Grossa State University

Observatório Astronômico

Av. Carlos Cavalcanti, 4748 - Uvaranas

84030-900 Ponta Grossa, PR - Brazil

Telephone: (55) (42) 32203046

Fax: (55) (42) 32203042


Alexandre Humberto Andrei

Observatorio Nacional

Rua Gal. Jose Cristino, 77

Sao Cristovao

Rio de Janeiro

CEP 20921-400 - RJ – Brasil

TEL/FAX: (021) 25806041


Jucira L. Penna

Observatorio Nacional

Rua Gal. Jose Cristino, 77

Sao Cristovao

Rio de Janeiro

CEP 20921-400 - RJ – Brasil

TEL/FAX: (021) 25806041


Sandrine Lefebvre

Service d'Astrophysique
L'Orme des Merisiers Bat. 709
91191 Gif Sur Yvette Cedex  (F)
Telephone: ++ (33) 1 69 08 50 25
Fax : ++(33) 1 69 08 65 77


Cilia Damiani
Observatoire de Paris
Lesia - Bâtiment 8
5 place Jules Janssen , 92195 Meudon Cedex  (France)
Telephone: ++33 (0)1 45 07 76 65
Fax ++33(0)1 45 07 28 06


Christian Delmas


Av. Copernic 06130 GRASSE (F)

Telephone: ++33 (0) 4 93 40 53 33

 Fax: ++33 (0) 4 93 40 53 33


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