ISSI Visiting Scientists Programme


Expected Output

The expected scientific gains of the present proposal will consist of:

• incorporating the developed techniques into robust, user-friendly, codes, to be made available to the community through the Solar SoftWare tree;

• analysing a comprehensive set of solar flare events using these new techniques and tools, and thereby determine both “typical” and “extreme” properties of solar flares;

• exploring the (rather subtle) effects of adding bound-free emission to the previously assumed free-free continuum;

• exploring the development of a “bivariate” analysis, aimed at determining both the energy and angular distributions of the accelerated electrons solely from “one-dimensional” spectral observations.

These gains will be expressed in the form of:

• publication of papers in international refereed journals in the domains of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics;

• presentation of the results obtained during international conferences in these multidisciplinary fields;

• final report emphasizing the main accomplishments of the team;

• maintenance of our team web page with an up-to-date description of the team activities and meetings.




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Site created and updated by Marco Prato

Comments and suggestions to: marco.prato (at)