The first meeting


will take place during the week from 20 – 24 October 2008 in Bern,  Switzerland.

In order to organize a first successful first meeting, please send the following information to ( and to Brigitte Schutte (+41 31 6314896, e-mail : )

Day/time of arrival/departure.

Whether you require a single/double room.

Any car parking requirements.

If applicable, requests connected with visas for Switzerland.

On the basis of these data, Brigitte Schutte (+41 31 6314896, e-mail: ) will make a block booking in the hotels in Bern. It is very important to do that early enough. Brigitte deals with all administrative matters (accommodation, letter of invitation for those requiring a visa, etc).

Please note,  the deadline of hotel reservation is on 6.10.08



The final draft of the meeting agenda will be fixed after the confirmed participation and dates of arrival and the submission of the presentation titles




+ Welcome

+ Introductory remarks on the ISSI by an ISSI representative

+ Main goal of the proposed team work

+ Introductory presentations of the team members

+ Research fields and interests in the work of the team.

+ Common interests with other ongoing projects

+ Web – page of the  project




+ individual presentation of data (overview),

+ methods and related results by each of the participants (inclusive intensive discussion) so that we will come together



+ Group work on detailed first steps



+ Report to identify and specify sub-topics for future work (outline of a first review  poster for the EGU 2009, detailed planning common articles )


Data – periods


Concerning the common work with observed data, the  proposal is to start in close cooperation with the CAWSES Tidal project  at first with the selected events


1) Cawses Camp I: 1 Sep -  31 Oct 2005

2) Camp IV  1. Dec 2007 - 28 February 2008   (31 January 2008, but over Northern Scandinavia the SSW occurs mainly in the second half of  February)



These events are proposed, considering the main scientific reasons of the project:


To 1) Maximum of amplitudes of the semidiurnal tides and fall transition of the circulation


To 2) Sudden stratospheric warming as exceptional coupling processes up to the lower ionosphere