Team Members

Core Members:

Kyoung-Joo Hwang (Team leader) NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/UMBC USA
Sergio Toledo-Redondo (Co-leader) European Space Agency, ESAC Spain
Nicolas Aunai Laboratory of Plasma Physics, Ecole Polytechnique France
Jonathan P. Eastwood Imperial College, London UK
Philippe Escoubet European Space Agency Netherlands
Robert C. Fear University of Southampton UK
Huishan Fu Beihang University China
Yuri Khotyaintsev Swedish Institute of Space Physics Sweden
Giovanni Lapenta Centrum voor mathematische Plasma Astrofysica Belgium
Benoit Lavraud Institute de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie France
David G. Sibeck NASA Goddard Space Flight Center USA

Young Scientists:

Jeremy Dargent (Ph.D. student)
Laboratory of Plasma Physics, Ecole Polytechnique France
Cecilia Norgren (Ph.D. student) Swedish Institute of Space Physics Sweden
Ali Varsani (Post-doc) IWF (Space Research Institute) Austria