First Meeting - February 2014

Each presentation should be around 30 minutes - we plan plenty of discussion, and will aim to finish the talks halway through the week. Then we will organise the main science questions, and decide how best to answer them. 

The talks are all on:

Manuel Guedel: Review: Stellar flares - simple data, simple models?

Hugh Hudson: Review: Solar flare energetics

Karel Schrijver: Combining solar and stellar data

Hugh Hudson 'EVE results on flares' - Sun as a star type work. 

Louise Harra 'Solar Flare triggers'

Hiro Hara: Flows in solar flares

Adam Kowalski: Using blue/optical emission to understand energy transfer in stellar flares".

Rachel Osten: Multi-wavelength manisfestations of Stellar flares

Kanya Kusano: " Magnetic Field Structures Triggering Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections"

Shin Toriumi: "Where does the Flare Energy Come from? Flux Emergence and Formation of Flaring Active Regions"

Miho Javier: 3D numerical simulations to understand the underlying physics of eruptive flares

Science Plan

Question 1: Interpreting stellar flare lightcurves by exploring the X-flare solar lightcurves. 

Tasks: Collate the X-ray stellar flare data (Rachel, Manuel) - some of reviewed in McLeary and Wolk (2011) and Franciosini et al. (2007). Need to add M-dwarf flares etc. 

             Analyse all the 29 X-flares since SDO was launched. Process the GOES data (Louise), EVE (Hugh, Louise, Hiro), CMEs associated with the events (Louise/Miho), AIA data/lightcurves (Karel, possibly a script by Sam??) to determine whether there is a consistent explanation of the lightcurve behaviour. 

              Look at the partition of energy - especially in the case of confined/eruptive case. Measure the kinetic energy in the CME (Rachel/Miho). 

Question 2: Determine whether energy release carries on into the decay phase.

Confirming the HXR energy release from GOES, and then compare similar analysis in stellar events.For the 25-Feb-14 flare for example there are 18 peaks in 4 mins. 

Tasks: Check all the X-class flares for the number of peaks and compare with HXRs (Hugh/Louise/?)

             Do a similar analysis for available stellar flares (Manuel/Rachel) 

Question 3: Look at the complexity/energy ratio in 2 solar flares - can this be applied to stellar flares?

Tasks: Look in detail at 2 X-flares - one with the simplest complexity, and the most complex (Miho/Hiro/Karel/Louise)

Question 4: Better determination of energy partition

Tasks: there is a noisy' signal in the TSI - using HMI images, add them up (removing flare region) - will have most of the noise removed (possibly??). Correlation of HMI and TSI (Hugh). This gives you bolometric measurements of many flares.

Question 5: Determine whether a multi-thread model can be applied to the stellar case

Tasks: Study Harry's paper to see if this will be good to scale up (Hiro).  

Question 6: Modelling the global stellar magnetic field to determine magnetic and kinetic energies.

Possibly look at the radius of spot size vs radius size - global modelling. Also look at the location of the spots - whether it's at the poles or equator. Looking at 2-3 examples to determine the kinetic and magnetic energy.  Also look at the ratio of global magnetic field and spot magnetic field. The 'spot' can be made bipolar or complex and the magnetic flux can be changed. Can we determine if all stellar flares are eruptive?? 

Increasing complexity of Miho's models - will this have a cascade effect?

Complex and simple models will be compared with Toriumi-san's model. 

(Kusano-san, Toriumi-san, Miho).

Question 7: Flare recontinuum data

Explore getting IRIS data for continuum during flares - Adam to discuss with Bart setting up a special flare study for this. 

Useful information/websites

use - can use filters (e.g. attributes (FL_GOES)) to search for flare and get quicklook information. 

All our flares are on:>=&value0=X1&sparam1=OBS_Instrument&op1==&value1=GOES 

A selection of Doppler imaging maps to show the stellar spots are on:

Useful papers are uploaded to our dropbox. 

Wavebands of the missions!

Chandra - 1-30A

EUVE - 90-150A, 180-350 A

XMM - 0.3-12 keV (41-1 A)

SWIFT - 0.5-10keV, 15-few hundred keV - (24 - 0.06A)

ASCA - 0.5-10 keV  -(24-1.2 A)

ROSAT - 0.1-2.4 keV - (123-5.1 A)

Kepler - 4000-9000A

© Louise Harra 2013