Logistic information


Contact ISSI:


Note that the internet adress of ISSI and e-mail adressses have changed. The web site is hosted now at http://www.issibern.ch and all people can be reached under either lastname@issibern.ch or firstname.lastname@issibern.ch, for example the secretary Brigitte Fasler




We have a block booking at Hotel Metropole

Do not forget to reserve the hotel through Brigitte Fasler (mind the deadline October 13)


How to arrive at ISSI:


see the web page with maps at http://www.issibern.ch (click on “locaction map”).

For the location of the hotel, see also http://www.issibern.ch/hotel_info.pdf

In summary: ISSI, the hotel and the railway station are all in walking distance from each other.


Also useful to know:


Electricity is as in most parts of Europe, i.e. about 220~V DC. Also, electric plugs are almost the same as for example in Germany or the Netherlands, but the distance between the pins is slightly smaller; for example, I could not plug-in my laptop adaptor without a connector; ISSI has a few of these connectors, but if you want to load your laptop in the hotel, you better bring a world-plug with you.




It might be useful to check the IBAN number or other relevant information of your bank for re-imbursement (or bookmark the web-page where you can find that). ISSI needs such information for the reimbursement.