Planetary Atmospheric
Instruction to Session Chairs

Travel-local Arrangement
Instruction to Speakers
Instruction to Session Chairs
Restricted Access Information
Session Preparation:

As session chairs, you will serve as the lead co-authors for the book chapter corresponding to your session. Additional authors can include other workshop participants and other experts not present at the workshop. Since it is essential to the goals of this workshop that the book is truly multidisciplinary, we ask that you communicate with your co-chairs before the workshop to formulate an outline of the chapter and to discuss who could serve as appropriate co-authors (including young scientists, such as graduate students and post-docs).

We will provide more information later on the technicalities of the chapter submittal, book organization, and make-up of the editors.

At the end of each session, you will also be asked to provide the crucial elements of the discussions which will take place in each of your sessions.