Team Members

Name Affiliation Country Expertise
Roberto Orosei INAF/U. of Bologna Italy Radar sounders, data analysis
Chunyu Ding Sun Yat-sen U. China Data analysis, EM simulations
Wenzhe Fa Peking U. China EM modelling and inversion
Antonis Giannopoulos U. of Edimburgh UK Numerical EM modelling
Alain Hérique U. Grenoble Alpes France Radar sounders, data analysis
Wlodek Kofman U. Grenoble Alpes/PAN France Radar sounders, data analysis
Sebastian E. Lauro U. Roma Tre Italy EM modelling and inversion
Chunlai Li NAOC China Radar development, geology
Elena Pettinelli U. Roma Tre Italy Measurement of EM properties
Yan Su NAOC China Radar sounders, data analysis
Shuguo Xing NAOC China Radar sounders, data analysis
Yi Xu MUST China Radar sounders, data analysis