Meeting Logistics

Meeting 1: 27 - 30 Oct. 08
- schedule

Meeting 2: 18 - 20 May 09
- 21 May is Ascension holiday
- Weather:  ~7-18�C (45-65�F), rainy
- Other teams at ISSI this week
- schedule:

Logistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Travel tips, directions to Bern
Directions to Hotel Pergola, ISSI
Directions to Hotel Kreuz, ISSI 

(above map had an error that was fixed on 30.04.09 -- redownload if necessary!)

Places to lunch near ISSI

Places to eat dinner in Bern
Questions about hotel, visa, etc.?
Urgent Messages

Upcoming Team Deadlines:
  • Contribution to group paper (at least outline) : ASAP (before meeting).
  • Research Paper outlines/drafts (send to whole team): ASAP (before meeting)

    Next Telecon: TBD


    One of the most important recurring themes in reviews of the state of Mars polar science is an emphasis on the need for detailed characterization of the stratigraphy of the polar layered deposits with a realistic means of tying it to a timescale (Thomas et al., 1992; Clifford et al., 2000; Fishbaugh et al., 2008).  While crater counts indicate a young, Late Amazonian surface age for these deposits, with a maximum estimate of 100 Myr in the south (Plaut et al., 1988; Herkenhoff and Plaut, 2000; Koutnik et al., 2002), the age of the oldest layers is unknown, and estimates based on stratigraphic analysis range up to 1 Byr (Tanaka et al., 2008), while estimates from ice stability modeling range up to 5 Myr (Jakosky et al., 1993).  This uncertain age leads to great difficulty in determining how the water-rich polar deposits have affected and been affected by changing climate on Mars and the resultant effects on the Mars water cycle.  We bring together a team of geoscientists with expertise in martian and terrestrial polar stratigraphy with atmospheric and climate scientists to study the relationship between the martian poles and the planet’s climate history.  Our goals include improving cross-discipline information flow, examining the areas of overlap between various datasets and differing viewpoints, and submitting the results of our studies as a review paper.

    Part of the competitively selected
    International Space Science Institute (ISSI) International Science Teams program
    Team Members

    Kathryn Fishbaugh (team leader)
    Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
    Shane Byrne
    University of Arizona
    Fran�ois Forget
    CNRS Laboratoire de M�t�orologie Dynamique
    Kenneth Herkenhoff
    U.S. Geological Survey
    Jack Holt
    University of Texas
    Christine Hvidberg
    U. Copenhagen, Center for Ice and Climate
    Yaroslaw Illyushin
    Moscow State University

    Anton Ivanov
    Planetary Science Institute/EPFL

    Michelle Koutnick
    University of Washington
    Jean Baptiste Madeleine
    CNRS Laboratoire de M�t�orologie Dynamique
    Sarah Milkovich
    Jet Propulsion Laboratory
    Franck Montmessin
    CNRS Service d'A�ronomie
    Jeffrey Plaut
    Jet Propulsion Laboratory
    Nathaniel Putzig
    Southwest Research Institute
    Ali Saffaenili
    Jet Propulsion Laboratory
    Isaac Smith
    University of Texas
    Anders Svensson
    U. Copenhagen, Center for Ice and Climate
    Kenneth Tanaka
    U.S. Geological Survey
    Nicolas Thomas
    University of Bern
    Mai Winstrup
    U. Copenhagen, Center for Ice and Climate

    Associate Members

    Angelo Pio Rossi
    Ganna Portyankina
    University of Bern
    Pierre-Yves Meslin
    LMD, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace

    Page last updated on: 05 May 09 by K. Fishbaugh