
Working Group "Photons in Space"

Len Culhane, Mullard Space Science Laboratories, UK
Martin Huber, Paul Scherrer Institut, CH
Gethyn Timothy, Nightsen Inc., USA
Klaus Wilhelm, MPI for Solar System Research, D
Alex Zehnder, Paul Scherrer Institute, CH
André Balogh, ISSI Liaison

Scientific Objective:
After discussions with all Convenors (i.e., the Editorial Committee) for the book, we agreed on the following statement: "The readership being envisaged for 'Observing Photons in Space' are (i) advanced undergraduates and post-graduates interested in space research and (ii) specialists in other fields, who need to obtain a quick overview of the salient issues of observing - i.e., imaging and spectral discrimination - photons of the broad energy, wavelength and frequency range accessible in space: from gamma-rays to radio frequencies.

Accordingly, the level of writing is that accessible to advanced undergraduates. In particular, there is an introductory chapter, which describes the physical principles underlying the interaction of photons and matter, when photons are being generated, transmitted and detected.

Moreover, the book contains concise information on the history of the field, supported by appropriate references. The book will represent not only basic and up-to-date principles, but also the hands-on knowledge gained - since the inception of the field more than 40 years ago - by leading practitioners."

Published Book: ISSI Scientific Report Volume 9

Observing Photons in Space
M.C.E. Huber, A. Pauluhn, J.L. Culhane, J.G. Timothy, K. Wilhelm, A. Zehnder (Eds.) Results of an ISSI Working Group
ISBN 978-92-9221-938-3, published in September 2010

Further information about "Observing Photons in Space" >

Table of Contents "Observing Photons in Space" >


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