Publications by the Team




Buchlin, E. and Vial, J.‐C. Electron density in the quiet solar transition region from SoHO/SUMER measurements of S VI line radiance and opacity. Submitted to A&A.

Buchlin, E., Bradshaw, S. J. and Cargill, P. J.Dynamic evolution of a loop with self-consistent turbulent heating. In preparation for Astron. Astrophys.

Feldman, Landi ,On the Emission Measure Distribution in off-disk Transition Region Solar Plasmas , 2009, ApJ, submitted

Feldman, Dammasch, Landi,On The Emission Measure of The Solar Lower Transition Region (2x10 4-2x10 4 K), 2009, ApJ, in press

Schmelz, J. T., Saar, S. H., DeLuca,E. E., Golub, L., Kashyap, V. L., & Klimchuk, J. A., Hinode X-Ray Telescope Detection of Hot Emission from Quiescent Active Regions: A Nanoflare Signature?, 2008, ApJ Lett, in press
Klimchuk, J. A., Coronal Loop Models and Those Annoying Observations!, in Proceedings of the Hinode II Meeting (ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. XX), ed. B. Lites, in press.

Landi, Feldman The thermal structure of the solar upper atmosphere and its implications to stellar upper atmospheres, 2009, ApJ, submitted

Landi, Miralles, Curdt, Hara, Physical Properties of cooling plasma in quiescent active region loops, 2009, ApJ, in press
Patsourakos, S. & Klimchuk, J. A., "Spectroscopic Observations of Hot Lines Constraining Coronal
Heating in Solar Active Regions", ApJ, in press

Raftery, C. L., Gallagher, P. T., Milligan, R. O., & Klimchuk, J. A., Multi-Wavelength Observations and Modeling of a Solar Flare, A&A, accepted

Reale F.,Testa P., Klimchuk J.A., Parenti S., Evidence of widespread hot plasma in a non-flaring coronal active region from Hinode/XRT , ApJ submitted

Schmelz, J. T., Saar, S. H., DeLuca, E. E., Golub, L., Kashyap, V. L., & Klimchuk, J. A. Hinode X-Ray Telescope Detection of Hot Emission from Quiescent Active Regions: A Nanoflare Signature?, 2008, ApJ Lett, accepted

Susino R., Lanzafame A. C., Lanza, A. F., Spadaro D., The role of condensation in the temperature distribution of coronal loops plasm, submitted.

Tripathi, D, Mason, H.E., Dwivedi, B., Del Zanna, G. and Young, P.R., On Active Region Loops: Hinode/EIS Observations, 2009, ApJ, in press

Patsourakos, S. & Klimchuk, J. A., "Static and Impulsive Models of Solar Active Regions", 2008, ApJ (Lett), 689, 140
Raftery, C. L., Gallagher, P. T., Milligan, R. O., & Klimchuk, J. A., "Multi-Wavelength Observations and Modeling of a Solar Flare," A&A, submitted
Parenti, S., P. R. Young, "On the ultraviolet signatures of small scale heating in coronal loops", A&A, 492, 857
West, M.J, Bradshaw, S.J., Cargill, P.J., "On the lifetime of coronal plasmas arising from nanoflares", 2008, Sol. Phys., 252, 89
Feldman, U., Landi, E.," On the Emission Measure Distribution in off-disk Transition Region Solar Plasmas ", 2008, ApJ, submitted.
Landi, E., "The thermal structure of an off-disk polar coronal hole", 2008, ApJ, 685, 1270
Landi, E., Feldman, U., The thermal structure of an active region observed outside the solar disk, 2008, ApJ, 672, 674Feldman, U.,
Landi, E.," The temperature structure of solar coronal plasmas", 2008, Physics of Plasmas, 15, 056501

Klimchuk, J.A., Patsourakos, S., Cargill, P.J., "Highly Efficient Modelling of Dynamic Coronal Loop", 2008, ApJ, 682, 1351

Reale, F., Klimchuk, J. A., Parenti, S., & Testa, P., XRT Detection of Hot Plasma in Active Regions and Nanoflare Heating, 2009, in Proceedings of the Hinode II Meeting (ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. XX), ed. B. Lites, in press

Reale F., Orlando S. , Nonequilibrium of Ionization and the Detection of Hot Plasma in Nanoflare-heated Coronal Loops. 2008 ApJ, vol. 684, pp. 715-724

Tripathi, D. , H. E. Mason, P. R. Young, G. Del Zanna, 2008, Density structure in active region and associated moss using Hinode/EIS , Astron. and Astrophys. Lett., v. 481, pp. L53 - L56

West, M.J, Bradshaw, S.J., Cargill, P.J., On the lifetime of coronal plasmas arising from nanoflares 2008, Sol. Phys., 252, 89

Reale F., Parenti S., Reeves K., Weber M., Bobra M G., Barbera M., Kano R., Narukage N., Shimojo M, Sakao T., DeLuca E.E., Peres G., Golub L., Fine thermal structure of coronal active regions from Hinode/XRT”, 2007, Science, 318, 1582
Buchlin, E. "Intermittent heating of the solar corona by MHD turbulence", 2007, Nonlin. Proc. Geophys., 14, 649
Buchlin, E., Velli, M. "Shell Models of RMHD Turbulence and the Heating of Solar Coronal Loops", 2007, ApJ, 662, 701
E. Buchlin, P. J. Cargill, S. J. Bradshaw, M. Velli," Profiles of heating in turbulent coronal magnetic loops", 2007, A&A 469, 347-354.
Feldman, U.,  Landi, E., Doschek, G.A., "Diagnostics of suprathermal electrons in active region plasmas using He-like UV lines", 2007, ApJ, 660, 1674
Landi, E. ,"Ion temperatures in the quiet solar corona", 2007, ApJ, 663, 1363
Landi, E., Feldman, U. "The thermal structure of an active region observed outside the solar disk", 2008, ApJ, 672, 674