Discussions at ISSI are explicitly mentioned as influencing the following publications:
- The ISSI ‘Oumuamua Team, Bannister, M.T., Bhandare, A., Dybczyński, P.A., Fitzsimmons, A., Guilbert-Lepoutre, A., Jedicke, R., Knight, M.M., Meech, K.J., McNeill, A., Pfalzner, S., Raymond, S.N., Snodgrass, C., Trilling, D.E., Ye, Q. The Natural History of ‘Oumuamua. Nature Astronomy 3, 594-602 (2019) [ADS] Read online for free.
- Hands, T.O., Dehnen, W. Capture of interstellar objects: a
source of long-period comets. MNRAS 493, L59-L64 (2020) [ADS] - Hui, M.T., Knight, M.M. New Insights into Interstellar Object 1I/2017 U1 (`Oumuamua) from SOHO/STEREO Nondetections. AJ 158, 256, 8 pp (2019). [ADS]
- Lintott C., Bannister, M.T., Mackereth, J.T. Predicting the Water Content of Interstellar Objects from Galactic Star Formation Histories. ApJL 924, L1 (2021) [ADS]
- Pfalzner, S., Bannister, M.T. A Hypothesis for the Rapid Formation of Planets. ApJL 874, L34 (2019). [ADS]
- Pfalzner, S., Davies, M.B., Kokaia, G., Bannister, M.T. Oumuamuas Passing through Molecular Clouds. ApJ 903, 114 (2020) [ADS]
- Raymond, S.N, Kaib, N.A., Armitage, P.J., Fortney, J.J. Survivor Bias: Divergent Fates of the Solar System’s Ejected versus Persisting Planetesimals. ApJL 904, L4 (2020) [ADS]
- Seligman, D., Laughlin, G. Evidence that 1I/2017 U1 (‘Oumuamua)
was Composed of Molecular Hydrogen Ice. ApJL 896, L8 (2020) [ADS] - Seligman, D. From The Stars: An Assessment of the Scientific
Opportunities Provided by Interstellar Objects. Ph.D. dissertation,
Yale University. (2020)