Kick-off Meeting

The Kick-off Meeting was held online on October 16, 2020
The time was chosen such that team members from the US, Europe and China could participate.
16:00 Welcome/Introduction

16:15 Activities in Radiometry at CIOMP and China

16:30 CLARA TOR Measurements (Margit Haberreiter)
17:00 Overview of SIMBA (Stijn Nevens)
17:30 Overview of PICARD/BOS and related measurements (Ping Zhu)
18:00 CERES Measurements (Norman Loeb)
18:30 RAVAN Measurements (Bill Swartz)
19:00 CTIM terrestrial measurements (Dave Harber)
19:30 Definition of WPs; Planning of next meeting
20:00 Closure of Meeting

Project Schedule

Kick-off Meeting held online, Oct 27, 2020

Upcoming meetings:

Progress Meeting I: March 2021

Progress Meeting II: Oct 2021

Final Meeting: March 2022

WP telecons are planned to be held on a monthly/bi-monthly basis

Project Organization

WP1: Intercomparison/Scene types/Cross Calibration

WP2: Quantify uncertainties (accuracy/stability)

WP3: Potential future inter-comparisons / technological challenges

WP4: Review of the current status and challenges for the determination of the Earth Energy Imbalance