Team members
Yulia Bogdanova (co-leader) Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UK
Hermann Lühr (co-leader) Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ Germany
Malcolm Dunlop Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UK
Haje Korth The Johns Hopkins University USA
Gang Lu National Center for Atmos. Research USA
Frederic Pitout IRAP France
Aaron Ridley University of Michigan USA
Chao Shen National Space Science Center, CAS China
Jiankui Shi National Space Science Center, CAS China
Susanne Vennerstrøm TU, National Space Institute Denmark
Jim Wild Lancaster University UK
Simon Wing The Johns Hopkins University USA
Young scientists Xi Bai IRAP France
External experts
Brian Anderson The Johns Hopkins University USA
Jay Johnson Princeton University USA
Monika Korte Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ Germany