A large coordinated observing campaign has probed Jupiter’s magnetosphere at multiple wavelengths using more than a dozen ground- and space-based facilities, including the EUV spectroscope Hisaki/EXCEED, HST, Chandra, XMM-Newton and IRTF. These observations were focussed on the JAXA Hisaki mission which is providing quasi-continuous measurements of emissions from both Jupiter’s aurora and the Io plasma torus. The concurrent observations examined Io’s volcanic activity and plasma torus variability, as well as Jupiter’s auroral dynamics at radio, infrared, ultraviolet and X-ray wavelengths. This team aims to bring together these observations with state of the art modelling of processes in the inner magnetosphere in order to explore the interactions between Io, Jupiter, the magnetosphere and the surrounding solar wind. Through combined analysis of these diverse measurements, facilitated by ISSI, we will develop a better understanding of how mass and energy are transferred through the Jovian system on different timescales. This is especially timely given the arrival of the NASA Juno mission at Jupiter as our results will provide global context for interpreting Juno observations.
Team Members
Sarah Badman, Lancaster University, UK (Deputy Team Leader)
Bertrand Bonfond, Université de Liège, Belgium