Below is the schedule of talks for the third meeting. The basic format we’ll follow is to have talks in the morning and then discussions (in smaller groups if required) in the afternoons. .
On Monday (as with the first meeting) we’ll have summary talks to set the stage and context, presenting the state of knowledge in different aspects (simulations, observations, nuclear experiment etc.).
Monday – introduction
D. Galloway – team logistics, goals, and approach of the workshop
D. Galloway – Status of burst observations: update
A. Heger – Status of X-Ray Burst Modelling: update
H. Schatz – Status of nuclear experiments relevant to thermonuclear bursts: update
general discussion
welcome reception from 5:00 pm
dinner – Altes Tramdepot
Wei Jia Ong – β-decay study of 61V: experimental progress in nuclear physics relevant to the rp-process
Laura Ootes – Thermonuclear burst oscillations: comparing observational results with theoretical models
Vittorio De Falco – INTEGRAL observations of bursts from three accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars: IGR J00291+5934, IGR J18245-2452, and SAX J1748.9-2021 & Accretion disks affected by a type-I X-ray burst including the GR Poynting-Roberson effect
Zhaosheng Li – Constraints on the mass and radius of Aql X-1 and static general relativistic winds
Adam Jacobs – Guided discussion of upcoming X-ray burst reaction rate sensitivity studies and of most fruitful aspects of X-ray bursts to simulate in multi-D
Tommy Rauscher – Guest contribution to discussion on nuclear data compilations and theoretical rates
dinner – Moléson
Julia Reichert – Simulations of bursts and superbursts with AGILE
Andrew Cumming – Revealing heavy-element ashes in HETE J1900.1-2455 and how to calculate opacities for rp-process ashes TBC
Laurens Keek – Replicating ignition conditions of the superburst from 4U 1636–536
Laurens Keek- X-ray Reflection and an Exceptionally Long Thermonuclear Helium Burst from IGR J17062-6143
general discussion
dinner – Restaurant Anker TBC
Nathalie Degenaar (via Skype) – Neutron star measurements to constrain the crust and core TBC
Edward Brown – The physical state of the crust
Alex Deibel – Late time crust cooling and the physics of the inner crust
Alex Deibel – Urca cooling pairs in cooling neutron stars
workshop excursion – Oeschinensee
discussion and windup