Physical parameters of the Local Interstellar Medium (LISM) through coordinated observations of the gravitational focusing cone at 1 AU

Leader: Eberhard Möbius, E-Mail
Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space & Department of Physics, University of New Hampshire, U.S.A.


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Executive Summary

The ISSI Team has analyzed the combined data sets from coordinated campaigns to observe the interstellar helium cone with in-situ and remote sensing methods, including the necessary supporting observations over three years from 1998 through 2000. The data sets are comprised of observations of pickup ions with ACE and Ulysses SWICS, neutral atoms with Ulysses GAS, UV backscattering with SOHO UVCS and EUVE. We have made use of simultaneous monitoring of solar UV radiation with SOHO and of the interplanetary conditions with SOHO, ACE and WIND. The analysis is comprised of detailed modeling of the interstellar gas and its secondary products in the heliosphere. This effort has resulted in a consistent set of interstellar He parameters. Previous apparent differences between the complementary observations could be traced to incomplete information on ionization rates and solar illumination of the interstellar gas in the inner heliosphere.

The results from this work have been highlighted in a Science@NASA feature release, entitled "Shields Up!" and on the ESA Science & Technology webpage as a Ulysses reseach news item.

Publications and Presentations

The results from the activity of this Team have been disseminated in a number of publications and presentations.

Preliminary results by the Team were reported at the World Space Congress in Houston in October 2002 in talks by G. Gloeckler, R. Lallement, and M. Witte. The Team also presented a Poster, which is available as a PDF File.

A series of 7 papers on the Team results is in press for a special section in Astronomy & Astrophysics and will appear soon.

Continuation of the Team Work

A new ISSI Team with some members of this Team is now working on a consolidation of the interstellar H parameters.

More Details on the Work Including Links to Observations and Models

Useful Links

Related ISSI Team Sites

