Nowadays, the number of daily publication is large and among these some are related with the topic of the team. Below there is a list of interesting publications related with Large-Amplitude oscillations:
- MHD Seismology of a loop-like filament tube by observed kink waves. V. Pant, A.K. Srivastava, D. Banerjee, M. Goossens, P.F. Chen, N.C. Joshi, Y.H. Zhou. Ads link.
- Prominence Activation by Coronal Fast Mode Shock. T. Takahashi, A. Asai, and K. Shibata. Arxiv link.
- Simultaneous Transverse Oscillations of a Prominence and a Filament and Longitudinal Oscillation of Another Filament Induced by a Single Shock Wave.
Shen, Y.; Liu, Y. D.; Chen, P. F.; Ichimoto, K. The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 795, Issue 2, article id. 130, 14 pp. (2014). Ads link. - Solar Filament Material Oscillations and Drainage before Eruption. Bi, Yi; Jiang, Yunchun; Yang, Jiayan; Hong, Junchao; Li, Haidong; Yang, Dan; Yang, Bo. The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 790, Issue 2, article id. 100, 6 pp. (2014). Ads link.
- Dependence of the length of solar filament threads on the magnetic configuration. Zhou, Yu-Hao; Chen, Peng-Fei; Zhang, Qing-Min; Fang, Cheng. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 14, Issue 5, article id. 581-588 (2014). Ads link.
- A Chain of Winking (Oscillating) Filaments Triggered by an Invisible Extreme-ultraviolet Wave. Yuandeng; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi; Ishii, Takako T.; Tian, Zhanjun; Zhao, Ruijuan; Shibata, Kazunari. The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 786, Issue 2, article id. 151, 12 pp. (2014). Ads link.
- Observational Study of Large Amplitude Longitudinal Oscillations in a Solar Filament. Knizhnik, Kalman; Luna, Manuel; Muglach, Karin; Gilbert, Holly; Kucera, Therese; Karpen, Judith. Nature of Prominences and their role in Space Weather. Edited by Brigitte Schmieder, Jean-Marie Malherbe and S.T Wu. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 300, pp. 428-429. Ads link.
- Observations and Implications of Large-amplitude Longitudinal Oscillations in a Solar Filament. M.; Knizhnik, K.; Muglach, K.; Karpen, J.; Gilbert, H.; Kucera, T. A.; Uritsky, V. The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 785, Issue 1, article id. 79, 13 pp. (2014). Ads link.
- Solar Prominences: Observations. Susanna Parenti. Reviews in Solar Physics, vol. 11, no. 1. Link.
- Imaging and Spectroscopic Observations of a Filament Channel and the Implications for the Nature of Counter-streamings. Chen, P. F.; Harra, L. K.; Fang, C. The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 784, Issue 1, article id. 50, 9 pp. (2014). Ads link.
- Prominence Seismology. J. L. Ballester. Nature of Prominences and their role in Space Weather. Edited by Brigitte Schmieder, Jean-Marie Malherbe and S.T Wu. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 300, pp. 30-39. Ads link.
- Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in Two-dimensional Prominences Embedded in Coronal Arcades. Terradas, J.; Soler, R.; Díaz, A. J.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J. L. The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 778, Issue 1, article id. 49, 14 pp. (2013). Ads link.
- Parametric survey of longitudinal prominence oscillation simulations. Zhang, Q. M.; Chen, P. F.; Xia, C.; Keppens, R.; Ji, H. S. Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 554, id.A124, 8 pp. (2013). Ads link.
- SDO/AIA Observations of Large-amplitude Longitudinal Oscillations in a Solar Filament. Li, Ting; Zhang, Jun. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 760, Issue 1, article id. L10, 7 pp. (2012). Ads link.
- The Effects of Magnetic-field Geometry on Longitudinal Oscillations of Solar Prominences. Luna, M.; Díaz, A. J.; Karpen, J. The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 757, Issue 1, article id. 98, 8 pp. (2012). Ads link.
- Observations and simulations of longitudinal oscillations of an active region prominence. Zhang, Q. M.; Chen, P. F.; Xia, C.; Keppens, R. Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 542, id.A52, 6 pp. (2012). Ads link.
- Large-amplitude Longitudinal Oscillations in a Solar Filament. Luna, M.; Karpen, J. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 750, Issue 1, article id. L1, 5 pp. (2012). Ads link.
- Large Amplitude Oscillations in Prominences. Tripathi, D.; Isobe, H.; Jain, R. Space Science Reviews, Volume 149, Issue 1-4, pp. 283-298 (2009). Ads link.
- The Filament-Moreton Wave Interaction of 2006 December 6. Gilbert, Holly R.; Daou, Antoun G.; Young, Daniel; Tripathi, Durgesh; Alexander, David. The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 685, Issue 1, pp. 629-645 (2008). Ads link.
- Large amplitude oscillatory motion along a solar filament. Vrsnak, B.; Veronig, A. M.; Thalmann, J. K.; Zic, T. Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 471, Issue 1, August III (2007). Ads link.
- Periodic Motion Along Solar Filaments. Jing, Ju; Lee, Jeongwoo; Spirock, Thomas J.; Wang, Haimin. Solar Physics, vol. 236, Issue 1, p.97-109 (2006). Ads link.
- Periodic Motion along a Solar Filament Initiated by a Subflare. Jing, Ju; Lee, Jeongwoo; Spirock, Thomas J.; Xu, Yan; Wang, Haimin; Choe, G. S.
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 584, Issue 2, pp. L103-L106 (2003). Ads link. - Oscillatory Phenomena in Quiescent Prominences. Kleczek, J.; Kuperus, M. Solar Physics, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp.72-79 (1969). Ads link.