Eucop4 2014 (Balme) “Mapping the northern plains of Mars: origins, evolution and response to climate change” – a new ISSI (International Space Science Institute) international team project.
UKPF 2014 (Ramsdale) “Mapping the northern plains of Mars: origins, evolution and response to climate change” – a new ISSI (International Space Science Institute) international team project.
Wroclaw 2014 (Hauber) Periglacial Geomorphology of the Northern Lowlands of Mars: Results from Vastitas Borealis.
Wroclaw 2014 (Ramsdale) Mapping the northern plains of Mars: origins, evolution and response to climate change. Preliminary results from Arcadia Planitia.
Wroclaw 2014 (Reiss) Periglacial landforms in Acidalia Mensa and Colles