10:00 Coffee, welcome address from ISSI
10:30 Pascale: Welcome address and a few practical details for the week
10:40 Nicolas M.: Where does Pristine stand? Part I
11:40 Else: Where does Pristine stand? Part II
— High resolution spectroscopy
14:00 Heitor: Metal-poor stars in the next decade: prospects from future instrumentation
15:00 Carmela: Espadons revisited
16:00 Kim: The GRACES program
9:30 Vanessa: Update, all you always wanted to know about WEAVE
10:30 Vanessa and all: Who wants to do what with WEAVE?
— (General) Plans for spectral analysis
11:30 Georges: Deriving chemical abundances from the WEAVE spectra
14:00 Emma: Stellar parameters for Pristine stars in WEAVE spectra
15:00 Pascale Deep-learning, what does it have to say?
— The present and future of 1D/1.5/3D NLTE corrections
16:00 Lyudmila: 1. NLTE effects for VMP stars: I. Recent grids of abundance corrections.
2. NLTE effects for VMP stars: II. Updates and tests of the NLTE methods.
19:00 Dinner at Lorenzini
— Selection for WEAVE
9:00 Morgan Pristine empirical photometric metallicity model
9:30 Else and Nicolas M.: How to select the Pristine-WEAVE targets
10:30 Ruben: Selection of the WEAVE target
— How to combine Pristine/WEAVE with other surveys.
11:30 Else: How to combine Pristine/WEAVE with other surveys
— How to combine Pristine/WEAVE with other surveys.
14:00 Morgan What can GAIA for EMPS
15:00 All: Wrap-up – action items – schedule
— Dwarf galaxies – part I
9:30 Nicolas L.: Nice results
— The Milky-Way
10:30 Anke:PIGS
— Dwarf galaxies – Part II
14:00 Karina V. : MUSE dataset – comparison with Pristine
15:00 Romain: Nice results
16:00 Kim: The GHOST program + Testing the inner MW potential from our CFHT data
………………………………. Friday
— The Milky-Way
9:00 Emma: Stars moving in circular orbits using only Gaia proper motions and the Pristine data
9:30 Federico: Very metal-poor stars in the disk
10:30 General wrap-up – proposals – projects –
and Goodbyes