First meeting: 30 January – 1 February 2016
Summer/Fall 2016
Before the first ISSI meeting |
- Start to investigate what is needed to prepare a sulfur budget/aerosol climatology
- Prepare to address the discovered major issues and roadblocks
Winter 2016/2017
First meeting at ISSI |
- Discuss the discovered problems and the way forward to finalize the sulfur budget climatology
- Survey climate model simulations and prospect
- Surveying current and planned measurement campaigns
- Assess the current availability of instrumentation
- Create schedule, action items, sub-teams and their tasks
Between meetings |
- Address action items through teleconferences/email
- Advance modeling/measurement priorities
Winter 2017/2018
Second meeting at ISSI |
- Reviewing progress and results
- Push forward on developing aerosol/sulfur climatology
- Plan of action and documentation
Winter/Spring 2018
Between meetings |
- Address outstanding science issues
- Document SSiRC Outcomes (prepare publications)
Spring 2018
Third (small) meeting at ISSI |
- Finalize papers
- Map a future pathway