Feb 14
- 9h-10h: Coffee – Informal discussion
- 10h Welcome
- Jean-Paul Kneib: ISSI team meeting – scope of the meeting and deliverables
- 10h15 OU requirements
- Frederic Courbin: Perspectives and requirements from the OU side.
- 10h30-17h: presentation of the different techniques used for the SL challenges (by those who have submitted: GOOD team)
- 10h30: Christoph Schaefer/Mario Geiger: Convolutional Neural Network Lens Finder Architectures
- 11h00: Enrico Petrillo: CNNs on SL challenge
- 11h30: Giorgos Vernardos: Update on the Groningen SL group efforts: lens modelling, CNNs
- 12h-13h30 Lunch
- 13h30-14h Coffee @ ISSI – Informal discussion
- 14h00: Philippa Hartley: Lens finding challenge: support vector machines
- 14h30 Andrew Davies: convolutional neural network using edge detected images
- 15h00: Remi Cabanac: Arcfinder on SL Challenge
- 15h30-16h: Coffee Break
- 16h: Clelio de Bom (remote: 12-17)
- 16h30: Francois Lanusse (remote: afternoon)
- 17h: Neal Jackson: Limitations of manual examinations of large lens samples and prospects for lensed radio-quiet quasars
- 17h30-18h15: What should be the next challenge from the point of view of the GOOD team?
- How easy was this challenge?
- Ground
- Space
- What to improve in the next challenge?
- Size of images, quality, masking, noise, IR bands? …
- 18h15-19h: Informal discussion – Hotel drop-off – Beers ….
- 19h-21h30: Dinner
Feb 15
- 9h-10h: Coffee – Informal discussion – Email sessions
- 10h: presentation of the results of the challenge
- Ben Metcalf: preliminary results from the strong lensing challenge
- 11h discussion
- 12h-13h30 Lunch
- 13h30-14h Coffee @ ISSI – Informal discussion
- 14h: How to transfer the best algorithm(s) at the OU level and implementation on SDC:
- 14h00: Andrea Tramercere: [remote] Primal: A Euclid-compliant Machine Learning Python framework
- 14h45: Pierre Dubath: Progress on the SExtractor++ project (Pierre)
- 15h15: Discussion on algorithm/software implementation at SDC
- 15h45-16h15: Coffee Break
- Schedule
- Distribution of tasks
- Schedule
- 16h15: Massimo Meneghetti: status on SL white paper
- 16h45: Discussion
- 18h-19h: Informal discussion – Hotel drop-off – Beers ….
- 19h-21h30: Dinner
Feb 16
- 9h-10h: Coffee – Informal discussion – Email sessions
- 10h: Other strong lensing topics:
- 10h00 HFF:
- Eric Jullo: Cosmological tests measurements on HFF simulated clusters
- Massimo Meneghetti: HFF simulations follow-up?
- 10h50 Cluster WL: Raphael Gavazzi: Outside-in characterization of the mass distribution in clusters. Methods for weak lensing and prospects for strong lensing.
- 11h10 Galaxy SL: Danka Paraficz: Precision Cosmology with ALMA
- 11h30: Leonidas Moustakas: WFIRST in a few words
- 10h00 HFF:
- 12h-13h30 Lunch
- 13h30-14h Coffee @ ISSI – Informal discussion – picture of the team
- Further White Paper discussion
- June 2017: Euclid meeting preparation
- Who is planning to go?
- Special SL session?
- Next meeting(s)
- ISSI meeting
- Other meetings (ECSL, EWASS …)
- 15h30-16h Coffee – End of the meeting