Published Workshop Papers
(in Surveys in Geophysics)
Guest Editorial by Workshop Conveners (in preparation)
Earth Observations for hazards monitoring & International services by J. Beneviste et al (in preparation)
UAVs for Geohazards by R. Antoine et al. (in press)
Earth Observation for Crustal Tectonics and Earthquake Hazards by J. Elliott et al. (Open Access) >>
Remote Sensing for mass movement assessment by C. Cissak et al (in press)
Fire Danger Observed from Space by M. Lucrecia Pettinari et al. >>
On the use of satellite remote sensing to detect floods and droughts at large scales by T. Lopez et al (in press)
Contribution of space missions to a better tsunami science: observations, model and warning by H. Herbert el al. (in revision)
Air Pollution and Sea Pollution Seen from Space by C. Viatte et al. (Open Access) >>
Geomagnetic Field Processes and Their Implications for Space Weather by M. Mandea et al. >>