The Methane Balance

Formation and Destruction Processes on Planets, their Satellites and in the Interstellar Medium



We intend to convene two 3-days meetings over a period of 12 months. The first one will be held from 16 to 18 November 2010 and will be devoted to the exchange of new ideas (see the programme for datails) and knowledge about the formation and destruction of methane in a range and planetary environments, protoplanetary disks and the interstellar medium. At this meeting interesting questions to be tackled by future research efforts will be identified, and smaller groups will be allocated individual tasks. Also, the work of writing the different review articles in the planned special issue of a high-profile scientific journal will be distributed. These clusters will then, over one year, develop research strategies and plans on these issues, which will be further discussed at a second meeting in Bern to be held about one year after the first one (November 2011). This meeting will also function as a final editorial session on the review articles. The programme of the first meeting can be downloaded here as a .doc file. The second meeting will take pace from 2 to 4 October 2013. Its programme of the first meeting can be downloaded here as a .doc file. Please check for updates.