By gathering in ISSI key scientists that have made major contribution to recent developments in the area of coronal rain we aim, first, at generating an ideal ambient for discussion. As shown above, the investigation of such partially ionised plasmas involves all layers of the solar atmosphere and both active and quiet Sun regions, i.e. significantly different plasma regimes. Accordingly, the proposed group consists of observers, modellers and theoreticians, whose combined expertise spans all layers of the solar atmosphere, and covers all physical processes in which these phenomena have been observed. The meetings are therefore expected to generate significant discussion and strong collaboration between the different institutes. Through discussion we will aim at elucidating and refining the different topics to which the investigation of accreting partially ionised material can significantly contribute. The discussion sessions will focus on three main topics:
- Multi-wavelength and multi-instrument observations of coronal rain phenomena
- Mechanisms and numerical/analytical modelling of formation/evolution for coronal rain
- Implications for coronal heating and seismology
Through the generated research a main goal will be to craft a joint review paper on partially ionised plasmas falling though the solar atmosphere, which will further raise awareness of the general scientific community on the importance of investigation of this phenomena. Ultimately, the aim will be to motivate research in this area and provide further understanding on the old and new open questions in solar physics stated above.