Here is a representative list of publications related to the exo-cartography problem. Italicized publications were authored or co-authored by members of our ISSI team, while bolded publications are the product of these workshops.
- On the light variations of asteroids and satellites
- Characterization of extrasolar terrestrial planets from diurnal photometric variability
- Detecting the glint of starlight on the oceans of distant planets
- Identifying the Rotation Rate and the Presence of Dynamic Weather on Extrasolar Earth-like Planets from Photometric Observations
- Alien Maps of an Ocean-bearing World
- Construction of an Earth Model: Analysis of Exoplanet Light Curves and Mapping the Next Earth with the New Worlds Observer
- Colors of a Second Earth: Estimating the Fractional Areas of Ocean, Land, and Vegetation of Earth-like Exoplanets
- Global Mapping of Earth-like Exoplanets From Scattered Light Curves
- Detecting Oceans on Extrasolar Planets Using the Glint Effect
- Earth as an Extrasolar Planet: Earth Model Validation Using EPOXI Earth Observations
- Colors of a Second Earth. II. Effects of Clouds on Photometric Characterization of Earth-like Exoplanets
- Mapping Clouds and Terrain of Earth-like Planets from Photometric Variability: Demonstration with Planets in Face-on Orbits
- A False Positive for Ocean Glint on Exoplanets: The Latitude-Albedo Effect
- Mapping Earth Analogs from Photometric Variability: Spin-Orbit Tomography for Planets in Inclined Orbits
- Determining Reflectance Spectra of Surfaces and Clouds on Exoplanets
- Light curves of stars and exoplanets: estimating inclination, obliquity and albedo
- Inferring Planetary Obliquity Using Rotational & Orbital Photometry