Our next (and final) team meeting is scheduled for
2017 January 30-February 3
as is also reflected in the ISSI calendar.
Team members should begin planning their travel, and checking their promised deliverables on the wiki
See also the program
Our next (and final) team meeting is scheduled for
2017 January 30-February 3
as is also reflected in the ISSI calendar.
Team members should begin planning their travel, and checking their promised deliverables on the wiki
See also the program
Our ISSI team will hold a “meeting-of-opportunity” in Tokyo following the Nuclei in the Cosmos meeting, in the week of June 20-25. The ISSI team meeting will take place at RIKEN’s headquarters in Wako, between June 27-29. Click for an access map.
As well as keeping up to date with our team’s activities, this meeting will be an excellent opportunity to hear more about burst observations being pursued with the MAXI instrument onboard the ISS.
With just one week to go until the first meeting of our new team, I present the preliminary program. The basic format I propose is to have talks in the morning and then discussions (in smaller groups if required) in the afternoons, and this schedule can be varied as required.
For team members who have not yet provided a talk title or abstract, please do so as soon as possible!
Because December is a busy time for the Bernese restaurants, we’ve made bookings for 10 each night Mon–Thu at the following venues:
All these are walking distance from the conference hotel.
I’m delighted to report that our young scientists, Alex Deibel (MSU), Wendell Misch (SJTU) and Wei Jia Ong (MSU) have agreed to take part in the team meeting this December.
For the young scientists & team members, it is not too early to begin planning your trip to Bern for the first meeting, 7-11 December 2015. If you need an invitation letter to support a visa application, please contact Jennifer Fankhauser @ ISSI.
Please also provide your travel details to Jennifer once they are finalised.
The first meeting of our new international team will be during the week of
7th–11th Dec 2015
For the purposes of coordinating your visit, note that the Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics is next door in Geneva the following week, beginning 14th Dec.
Team members should go ahead and start making your travel arrangements (noting that ISSI staff will provide the hotel bookings once your itinerary is finalised).