Monday 4 March 2019
Introduction session
13:30-14:00 Registration and coffee at ISSI
14:00-17:00 Session 1 General context
Objectives of the meeting (A. Hauchecorne)
SPARC activity on atmospheric temperature changes and their drivers (A. Steiner)
ARISE activities (E. Blanc)
ALOMAR activities (M. Gausa)
Tuesday 5 March 2019
09:00-12:00 Session 2 Process studies
Gravity wave studies (P. Preusse)
Gravity waves in lidar, satellite, and model data (G. Baumgarten)
Observations of microbarom-generated infrasound in Northern Norway during three different sudden stratospheric warmings (P. Naesholm)
Variability in planetary, gravity and tidal waves in the MLT in response to sudden stratospheric warming events (Y. Orsolini)
Survey of middle atmosphere dynamics using GNSS radio occultation and ground-based lidars (S. Khaykin)
14:00–17:00 Session 3 Observations techniques
Middle atmosphere temperature profiling from space observations of Rayleigh sunlight scattering at limb (A. Hauchecorne)
News from the middle atmospheric ozone and water vapour observations of groundbased microwave radiometers at Bern and Ny Alesund (K. Hocke)
Current campaigns of the WIRA and WIRA-C Doppler wind radiometers (J. Hagen)
Atmospheric dynamics studies using the IMS network (A. Le Pichon)
Wednesday 6 March 2019
09:00–14:00 Session 4, Satellite validation and long-term trends
Synergy between middle atmospheric temperature profiles obtained by way of ground-based lidar and satellite-borne limb scanners (R. Wing)
Stratospheric temperature trends (AMSU, GPS-RO, lidars) and SSWs (C. Claud)
Synergy between satellite and ground-based instruments for upper stratosphere-mesosphere monitoring (P. Keckhut)
Use of ground-based data for model validation (A. Charlton-Perez)
Afternoon: free for Bern visit and/or split meetings
Thursday 7 March 2019
09:00-12:00 Discussion on the expected output of the workshop
Identification of collaborative papers
Report on ground-based – satellite synergy for middle atmospheric dynamics
Contribution to EU ARISE3 proposal
14:00-17:00 Splitted groups to work on collaborative papers
Friday 8 March 2019
Summary of work in splitted groups
Conclusions and actions
12:00 Meeting Close
A coffee break and a final discussion will be included in each session