Schedule of Meetings

2017: before first meeting

  • Compile list of existing metrics
  • Gather info on existing model runs (e.g., CCMI, CMIP)

First meeting

2017-03-13 – 2017-03-17

  • Review existing metrics and model runs
  • Survey existing model runs for diagnostics intercomparison activities
  • Plan climate model simulations and necessary output

2017: between meetings

Second meeting

2018-06-19 – 2018-06-22


  • Finalize findings and recommendations on metrics
  • Begin work on review / synthesis paper(s)
  • Identify outstanding issues

After second meeting

last half of 2018 to early 2019

  • Finalize paper(s)
  • Disseminate results, e.g. at a possible AGU Fall Meeting session joint with US CLIVAR