(last update May 1, 2015)
Following topics will be addressed by at least one talk during the workshop.
- Overview talks:
Geomagnetic sources and challenges in studying the Earth’s magnetic field:
- Challenges in modelling the Earth magnetic field of internal sources
- Challenges in describing ionospheric and magnetospheric current systems by means of geomagnetic data
- Importance of separating internal and external source signatures for mantle induction studies
- Observations of the Earth’s magnetic field
- Physical models of the near Earth space environment and their present capability to predict magnetic signatures
- Reference frames
- Magnetic contributions from the magnetosphere and magnetospheric currents
- Processes of the E-region dynamo at mid- and low latitudes
- Processes of the F-region dynamo at mid and low latitudes
- Post-storm effects at mid-and low latitudes
- Polar cap currents
- Auroral field-aligned currents, convection-DP2 and reconnection-DP1 driven polar electroject
- Instrumentation facilities supporting observations in the magnetic field
- Classifying geomagnetic activity by their natural sources, and quantifying geomagnetic disturbance
levels from aspects of phenomenology and indices
Last update: February 24, 2015