
- Report 2017 -
ISSI Team 405 "Current Sheets, Turbulence, Structures and Particle Acceleration in the Heliosphere" studies the evolution of turbulence with heliocentric distance via understanding processes associated with various coherent structures in the solar wind. The team met for a one-week-long meeting at ISSI in October 2017 to discuss the role of secondary current sheets, magnetic islands and magnetic reconnection in particle acceleration and the evolution of turbulence throughout the heliosphere. The list of tasks on which the team was working during the meeting can be found HERE.
     The team is currently writing a series of papers on studies of the spatial evolution of magnetic reconnection that produces magnetic islands and secondary current sheets that, in turn, become generators of turbulence throughout the heliosphere. In situ observations of particle acceleration related to stochastic magnetic reconnection at different heliocentric distances and heliolatitudes are discussed as well. As part of the project, team members published one book and 5 refereed journal articles in 2017, two papers have been accepted for publication, and two papers submitted to refereed journals. See PUBLICATIONS.
    Gary Zank and Roberto Bruno studied the transport of 2D and slab turbulence based on nearly incompressible magnetohydrodynamic theory and compared the theoretical results with observations. Olga Khabarova, Olga Malandraki, Gary Zank and Gang Li carried out case studies of additional particle acceleration that occurs in large-scale magnetic cavities formed near strong current sheets, including the heliospheric current sheet, and concluded that dynamical processes in magnetic islands with typical sizes of ~0.01-0.001AU that fill the cavities can considerably energize trapped particles to energies of sub MeV/nucleon. Olga Khabarova and Gary Zank showed that magnetic reconnection exhausts observed near strong current sheets at 1 AU are associated with energetic particle flux enhancements up to MeV/nuc energies, which is in agreement with theoretical predictions.
   Sergio Servidio, Anotnella Greco, and William Matthaeus investigated the local influence of coherent structures on particle energization and acceleration with 2D hybrid-PIC simulations of steady-state turbulence and proved that current sheets play an important role in particle acceleration if the ions Larmor radii are on the order of the current sheets size.
Oreste Pezzi and Sergio Servidio performed hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell numerical simulations of turbulence and studied plasma energy dissipation. They found a good correlation between the turbulent local energy flux and the indicators of kinetic processes found in the data.
     An overview on solar energetic particles (SEPs) and their association to space weather, both from the sc
ientific as well as the applications perspective, was published by Olga Malandraki, who acknowledged the ISSI support in the book entitled “Solar Particle Radiation Storms Forecasting and Analysis, The HESPERIA HORIZON 2020 Project and Beyond” (edited by Malandraki O. E. and Crosby N.B.), Chapter I “Solar Energetic Particles and Space Weather: Science and Applications.”