Second Team Meeting 30 April 2020

Duration: 2-4pm (CET)

Time in other time zones:
USA (west coast) 5-7am
USA (east coast) 8-10am
UK 1-3pm
CET 2-4pm
China (Beijing) 8-10pm
Japan 9-11pm


ISSI team members: Stephen English (ECMWF), Catherine Prigent (CNRS), Ben Johnson (UCAR/JCSDA), Emmanuel Dinnat (NASA/GSFC), Jacqueline Boutin (CNRS), Stuart Newman (Met Office), Magdalena Anguelova (NRL), Thomas Meissner (RSS), Masahiro Kazumori (JMA), Fuzhong Weng ( LSW/CMA).

Invited Experts: Christophe Accadia (EUMETSAT), Mike Bettenhausen (NRL), Nic Nalli (NOAA), Yang Han (CMA/NSMC), Chunwen Wei (CMA/CAMS), Cristina Lupu (ECMWF), Marco Matricardi (ECMWF), Bill Bell (ECMWF), Heather Lawrence (Met Office), Mario Echeverri Bautista (KNMI).

Absent but to be involved in follow up discussion: Simon Yueh (NASA/JPL), Ad Stoffelen (KNMI)


1. Introduction (Steve and Catherine)

2. Review Actions from Meeting-1 (20-22 November)

These were recorded in the draft meeting-1 report from 20-22 November. We will skip any that will be addressed by presentations under item 3. The specific actions were:

  • All scientific papers to be shared amongst the group, as some are more difficult to obtain. These can be linked to from the ISSI web page.
  • Ben Johnson to put up a GitHub from NOAA for the code developments. Space for some data (no more than 1THz).
  • Jacqueline Boutin has plans to change the dielectric model for SMOS processing, and to do tests on the SST. This model will be made available and then evaluated.
  • Maggie Anguelova has plans to change for the L band foam emissivity, with a new version of the model. She will make the code available for evaluation.
  • Thomas Meissner will make additional tests on the dielectric model with Zhou measurements for low frequencies and with Liebe model for the high frequencies.
  • Emmanuel Dinnat + team: The group reached a consensus to work with Emmanuel Dinnat’s 2 scale model as a core system. The Fortran code base requires some cleaning / commenting to facilitate sharing and joint development. During the development this will only be made available to a small core team.
  • Fuzhong Weng: The model will be compared to the model from Fuzhong Weng, who will also approach Ming Chen and Mark Liu to see if they wish to contribute to this effort.
  • Stu Newman: The two scale model will also be used to calculate IR emissivities and compared to Stu Newman’s results, to see how realistic this is.
  • Stephen English will approach Nic Nalli to see if he also wishes to contribute to this IR emissivity validation exercise.

In addition these points to guide the activity were noted:

  • A goal of the activity is not only to create a model, but also one with uncertainty estimated. Therefore in the code design we need to propagate uncertainty information from estimates of uncertainty in the model parameters.
  • The group agreed that as this model aspires to be reference quality, it should not be tuned to a specific instrument, even one (e.g. GMI) that is considered to be of a higher reference quality.
  • The model should also predict the wind direction component for the full Stokes vector. Windsat data and the existing RSS code can be used for validation. Mike Bettenhausen will investigate making the best quality reprocessed data available, but if not the real time data product is available e.g. archived at ECMWF.
  • The group’s activities are on a best endeavours basis. The NWPSAF could be approached for resources (some limited resources have been made available from the Visiting Scientist budget of the NWPSAF). All group members will investigate possible sources of funding to allow more extensive activities.
  • It was noted that if the code is submitted to the IEEE system it gets a DOI number. They provide tests and keep the code. However to update a new version must be submitted (and accepted) and another DOI allocated. So this is something to do only with mature code versions, and then with major updates in the future.
  • The group discussed the issue of licencing of the code? Apache-2 open source license is a possibility. All group members to consider further to enable a clear decision on this when the code reaches the point for wider dissemination.

4. Summaries of progress

  1. Dielectric Model Uncertainty (lead: Thomas Meissner)
  2. Roughness models (lead: Simon Yueh)
  3. Foam models (lead: Maggie Anguelova)
  4. Status of code (lead: Emmanuel Dinnat)
  5. Comparisons update (Lise Kilic) (Lise Kilic)
  6. Update on L-band dielectric model (Jacqueline Boutin)

5. Other presentations

  1. Yang Han (CMA/NSMC): ARMS ocean model update

5. Agree tasks for next 6 months

6. AOB and close
