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Origins of Stars, Planets, and Life (?): Highlights from Early Science with the JWST

Pro ISSI Talk with Michael R. Meyer

(J. Geiss Fellow 2024 and Department of Astronomy, The University of Michigan, USA)

Over 20 years ago, the instrument teams for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) outlined comprehensive science programs to answer to key questions concerning the origins of stars and planets, with implications as well for the origin of life. Deep observations of pre- and protostellar molecular cloud cores reveal the initial conditions of star formation, the composition of star- and planet-forming gas and dust, the first compact objects that form from collapse, and feedback from star formation which may contribute to self-regulation. Observations of brown dwarfs in young clusters and in the field, reveal multiplicity, atmospheric structure, and composition of these enigmatic objects that represent either the low mass end of the initial mass function or the high mass limit of planet formation. Imaging and spectroscopy of planet-forming circumstellar disks reveal how interstellar ingredients are transmuted into the building blocks of planets and the emergence of forming proto-planets in these disks. Observations of mature gas giants and brown dwarf companions as a function of host star mass, orbital separation, and mass ratio may reveal how the complex processes of planet formation determine their composition and help regulate the delivery of volatiles to potentially habitable planets. The speaker will describe the power of JWST compared to complementary facilities, review relevant results from the first year of JWST science operations, and provide some hint of future exciting results to come.

Recorded Talk

About the Speaker

Michael R. Meyer has been a Professor of Astronomy at the University of Michigan since 2016. He was Chair of Star and Planet Formation at the ETH in Zürich (2009-2016) and was formerly a Professor/Astronomer at the Department of Astronomy/Steward Observatory of the University of Arizona (2000-2009). He was a Hubble Fellow at the University of Arizona (1997-2000) and did a post-doc at the Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomie (1995-1997). Prof. Meyer is a world recognized expert in the formation, evolution, and characterisation of planetary systems, and associated implications on the prospects for life in the Universe. He has also been deeply involved in the development of ground- and space-based instrumentation, including both the NIRCam and NIRISS instruments for the James Webb Space Telescope as well as high contrast imaging systems/spectrographs for 6-10 meter telescopes and next generation extremely large telescopes. Prof. Meyer is the current Johannes Geiss Fellow 2024.

Recorded Pro ISSI Talks

Origins of Stars, Planets, and Life (?): Highlights from Early Science with the JWST with Michael R. Meyer

How Gaia is Revolutionizing our View of the Milky Way with Michael Biermann

The Extraordinary First Year of Science of the James Webb Space Telescope with Dr. Antonella Nota

Billions of planets in the Milky Way: The Quest for Earth-Twins and Maybe Life with Prof. Michel Mayor

Unveiling the Mysteries of Solar Magnetic Activity: Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter with Prof. Marco Velli

The First 25 Years: Genesis and Evolution of ISSI with Prof. em. Rudolf von Steiger

Space Debris – Providing the Scientific Foundation for Sustainable Use of Outer Space with Thomas Schildknecht

The Beginning and the Future of the Universe with Sabine Schindler

A Warming Indian Ocean on Planet Earth: Changes in Ocean Circulation, Sea Level with Weiqing Han

Extrasolar Planets with Julia Venturini and Interannual Variability in Sea Level with Lorena Moreira

Exploring the Earth’s Time-Variable Gravity Field using Satellite Observations with Adrian Jäggi

CHEOPS – the CHaracterizing ExOPlanet Satellite with Andrea Fortier

Philae, Landung auf dem Kometen Churyumov-Gerasimenko mit Stephan Ulamec

Cosmology Today with Bruno Leibundgut

CaSSIS - A Swiss Camera Goes To Mars with Nicolas Thomas

Extrasolar Planets: a Laboratory to Confront the Theory of Planet Formation with Observations with Christoph Mordasini

Return to Planet Earth: Understanding the Earth from Geodetic Space Observations with Kurt Lambeck

NNext Stop Jupiter! Giant Planets Exploration and the Cassini Legacy with Michel Blanc issibern 1.09K subscribers Analytics Edit video

Faltering Steps into the Galaxy with Gary Zank

Exoplanets: In Search of Terra-2 with Joachim Wambsganss

Exploring Earth's Magnetic Field using the Swarm Satellite Constellation Trio with Nils Olsen

Solar Magnetic Activity in a Nutshell, and How Stars and Exoplanets Can Help Us Understand It All with Karel Schrijver

Climate Change, Ocean Warming, Land Ice Melt and Sea Level Rise with Anny Cazenave