
International Space Science Institute (ISSI)Hallerstrasse 6
3012 Bern

Phone +41 31 684 48 96

Our scientific opportunities support the community through six distinct modes of operation. Links to proposal templates or on-line submission forms are provided for each individual tool.

Find explanations, forms of applications and an overview of current and past activities.


International Teams consist of 8-15 researchers with complementary scientific expertise, and from several different institutions and countries worldwide. They hold a series of two to three one-week meetings over a period of 18 to 24 months. The aim of Teams is to carry out a research project leading to publications in scientific journals. The activity is directed and organised by a team leader who is also the initiator of the proposal to ISSI. Though in close contact with the scientific staff of the Institute, Teams are largely autonomous in the execution of their project. Teams are set up in response to an Annual Call by ISSI. Proposals are evaluated and prioritised by the Science Committee. 🔭

International Teams

Research on specific topics using interdisciplinary tools and expertise.


8 – 15 Scientists
incl. ~15% early-career researchers


Papers in scientific journals

Starting Point

Yearly call for proposals in January with deadline in mid-March.


1 week meetings
up to 3 times
spread over 18-24 months

ISSI Support

↷ Per diem
↷ Accommodation during meetings
↷ Travel costs for
Team Leader

Teams selected in 2022

567 • Wright C. (UK)

Synthetic Gravity Wave Analyses for New Exploitation of Satellite data (SWANS)

Teams selected in 2021

519 • Adamo A. (SE)

Star Formation Within Evolving Galaxies: The Revolution of Upcoming Space Missions

521 • Audard M. (CH) & Dionatos O. (AT)

Revisiting Star Formation in the Era of Big Data

522 • Bhanu R. (US) & Halford A. (US)

Geomagnetic Activity and Solar Cycle Dependence of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) Wave Activity and Wave Parameter in the Earth’s Magnetosphere

523 • Buzulukova N. (US)

Imaging the Invisible: Unveiling the Global Structure of Earth’s Dynamic Magnetosphere

524 • Calafat F.M. (UK) & Jevrejeva S. (SG/UK)

Understanding the Connection Between Coastal Sea Level and Open Ocean Variability Through Space Observations

525 • Deca J. (US) & Aizawa S. (FR)

Modelling Mercury’s Dynamic Magnetosphere in Anticipation of BepiColombo

526 • Formisano M. (IT)

Thermophysical Characterization of Ice-Rich Areas on the Surface of Specific Planetary Bodies: Conditions for the Formation of a Transient Exosphere

527 • Hayes L. (IE) & Inglis A. (US)

Bridging New X-ray Observations and Advanced Models of Flare Variability: A Key to Understanding the Fundamentals of Flare Energy Release

528 • Ilie R. (US) & Oran R. (US)

How Heavy Elements Escape the Earth: Past; Present; and Implications to Habitability

529 • Innocenti M.E. (DE) & Tenerani A. (US)

Heliospheric Energy Budget: From Kinetic Scales to Global Solar Wind Dynamics

530 • Jamet C. (FR) & Dionisi D. (IT)

Toward A 3-D Observation of the Ocean Color: Benefit of Lidar Technique (ISSI – ISSI Beijing Team)

531 • Jeffrey N. (UK) & Krucker S. (CH)

Measuring Solar Flare Hard X-ray Directivity using Stereoscopic Observations with Solar Orbiter/STIX and X-ray Instrumentation at Earth (ISSI – ISSI Beijing Team)

533 • La Forgia F. (IT)

Characterization of the Transition from Supervolatiles-Driven Activity to Water-Driven Activity in inbound Dynamically New Comets

534 • Müller O. (FR)

Space Observations of Dwarf Galaxies from Deep Large Scale Surveys: The MATLAS Experience

535 • Nobrega-Siverio D. (ES)

Unraveling Surges: A Joint Perspective from Numerical Models; Observations; and Machine Learning

537 • Pedatella N. (US)

Data Assimilation in the Ionosphere and Thermosphere (ISSI – ISSI Beijing Team)

539 • Sotin C. (FR) & Lopes R. (US)

The Habitability of Titan’s Subsurface Water Ocean

540 • Starkenburg E. (NL)

The Early Milky Way

541 • Swaczyna P. (US)

Distribution of Interstellar Neutral Hydrogen in the Sun’s Neighborhood

542 • Valentini M. (DE) & Guiglion G. (DE)

AsteroCatS – A Legacy Catalogue for Spectroscopic Surveys

543 • Vulcani B. (IT)

Understanding the Evolution and Transitioning of Distant Proto-Clusters into Clusters

Teams selected in 2020

487 • Aikio A. (FI) & Marchaudon A. (FR)

Effects of Solar Wind High-Speed Streams on the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System

488 • Andersson L. (US)

>Langmuir Probes, a 100 Year Workhorse: Easy to Fly but Difficult to Interpret

489 • ' Brasseur G. (DE) & Granier C. (FR)

Use of Geostationary Satellites to Improve Air Quality Characterization and Forecasts (ISSI – ISSI Beijing Team)

490 • Clementini G. (IT)

SHoT: The Stellar Path to the Ho Tension in the Gaia, TESS, LSST and JWST Era

491 • Chintzoglou G. (US) & Wheatland M. (AU)

Data-driven 3D Modeling of Evolving and Eruptive Solar Active Region Coronae

492 • Connor H. (US) & Zoennchen J. (DE)

The Earth’s Exosphere and its Response to Space Weather

493 • Csizmadia S. (DE)

Getting Ultra-Precise Planetary Radii with PLATO: The Impact of Limb Darkening and Stellar Activity on Transit Light Curves

494 • Dole H. (FR) & Frye B. (US)

The Fireworks Finale in High-Redshift Distant Galaxy Proto-Clusters

495 • El Mellah I. (BE)

Feeding the Spinning Top – Spin Evolution of Accretion-Powered Pulsars in High-Mass X-Ray Binaries

496 • Feng W. (CN)

Time-Variable Gravity Field Modeling and Simulation from Present and Future Gravity Satellite Missions (ISSI – ISSI Beijing Team)

497 • Fleishman G.(US)

Advanced Three-Dimensional Modeling of the Magnetic Field in Active Regions on the Sun

498 • Garny H. (DE)

Stratospheric Age-of-Air: Reconciling Observations and Models

499 • Goetz C. (NL)

Similarities and Differences in the Plasma at Comets and Mars

500 • Haberreiter M. (CH)

Towards Determining the Earth Energy Imbalance from Space

501 • Heil P. (AU) & Tilling R. (US)

Multi-Sensor Observations of Antarctic Sea Ice and its Snow Cover

502 • Keys P. (UK)

WaLSA: Waves in the Lower Solar Atmosphere at High Resolution

503 • Klenzing J. (US) & Zawdie K. (US)

Resolving the Generation Mechanisms and Electrodynamical Effects of Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (MSTIDs)

504 • Kokotanekova R. (DE)

The Life Cycle of Comets

505 • Lara-Lopez M. (DK)

The Metal-THINGS Survey of Nearby Galaxies

506 • Laundal K.M. (NO)

Understanding Mesoscale Ionospheric Electrodynamics Using Regional Data Assimilation

507 • Leaman R. (DE) & Zhu L. (CN)

Population-Dynamical Archeology of Galaxies (ISSI – ISSI Beijing Team)

508 • Li R. (CN)

Strong Gravitational Lensing Studies with CSS-OS and EUCLID (ISSI – ISSI Beijing Team)

509 • Millan L. (US)

Understanding Satellite, Aircraft, Balloon and Ground-Based Composition Trends: Using Dynamical Coordinates for Consistent Analysis of UTLS Composition

510 • Miyake F. (JP) & Usoskin I. (FI)

Solar Extreme Events: Setting Up a Paradigm

511 • Nishimura T. (US)

Multi-Scale Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Interaction (ISSI – ISSI Beijing Team)

512 • Oskinova L. (DE)

Multiwavelength View on Massive Stars in the Era of Multimessanger Astronomy

513 • Perrone D. (IT) & Toledo-Redondo S. (ES)

Unravelling Solar Wind Microphysics in the Inner Heliosphere

514 • Petrucci P.-O. (FR) & Matt G. (IT)

Warm Coronae in AGN: Observational Evidence and Physical Understanding

515 • Roth L. (SE)

Mass Loss from Io’s Unique Atmosphere: Do Volcanoes Really Control Jupiter’s Magnetosphere?

516 • Veronig A. (AT) & Dissauer K. (US)

Coronal Dimmings and Their Relevance to the Physics of Solar and Stellar Coronal Mass Ejections

517 • Volwerk M. (AT)

Towards a Unifying Model for Magnetic Depressions in Space Plasmas

518 • Yamauchi M. (SE)

Molecular and Metallic Ions in the Magnetosphere

Teams selected in 2019

455 • Balasis G. (GR)

Complex Systems Perspectives Pertaining to the Research of the Near-Earth Electromagnetic Environment

456 • Ball W. (CH) & Hubert D. (BE)

Towards a Universal Framework for Merging Atmospheric Observations from the Ground and Space

457 • Ballester J.L. (ES) & Luna M. (ES)

The Role of Partial Ionization in the Formation, Dynamics and Stability of Solar Prominences

458 • Bambi C. (CN)

Can We Use X-Ray Reflection Spectroscopy For Precision Measurements Of Accreting Black Holes?

459 • Contopoulos I. (GR) & Kazanas D. (US)

Models Of VHE Emission In Pulsars: Evaluation Of The Current State-Of-The-Art And Future Prospects

460 • Davis S. (US)

Tropical Width Impacts On The Stratosphere (TWIST)

461 • Drozdovskaya M. (CH) & Opitom C. (CL)

Provenances Of Our Solar System’s Relics

462 • English S. ( UK) & Prigent C. (FR)

A Reference Quality Model For Ocean Surface Emissivity And Backscatter From The Microwave To The Infrared

463 • Harra L. (CH)

Exploring The Solar Wind In Regions Closer Than Ever Observed Before

464 • Herbst K. (DE) & Grenfell J.L. (DE)

The Role Of Solar And Stellar Energetic Particles On (Exo)Planetary Habitability (ETERNAL)

465 • Hietala H. (UK) & Plaschke F. (AT)

Foreshocks Across The Heliosphere: System Specific Or Universal Physical Processes?

466 • Hsu H. (US) & Sulaiman A. (US)

A New View Of Ring-Planet Interactions From Cassini’s Grand Finale

467 • Kero A. (FI)

Space Weather Induced Direct Ionisation Effects On The Ozone Layer

468 • Kerr G. (US) & Polito V. (US)

Interrogating Field-Aligned Solar Flare Models: Comparing, Contrasting And Improving

469 • Li G. (US) & Wang L. (CN)

Using Energetic Electron And Ion Observations To Investigate Solar Wind Structures And Infer Solar Wind Magnetic Field Configurations (ISSI – ISSI Beijing Team)

470 • Longobardo A. (IT)

Characterization Of Cometary Activity Of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Comet

471 • Marisaldi M. (NO)

Understanding The Properties Of The Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flash Population

472 • Marschall R. (US) & Ivanova O. (SK)

Closing The Gap Between Ground Based And In-Situ Observations Of Cometary Dust Activity: Investigating Comet 67P To Gain A Deeper Understanding Of Other Comets

473 • Orosei R. (IT)

Searching For Subglacial Water On Mars With Orbiting Ground Penetrating Radars (ISSI – ISSI Beijing Team)

474 • Petrovay K. (HU)

What Determines The Dynamo Effectivity Of Solar Active Regions?

475 • Pevtsov A. (US)

Modeling Space Weather And Total Solar Irradiance Over The Past Century (ISSI – ISSI Beijing Team)

476 • Richard J. (FR)

Cluster Physics From Space To Reveal Dark Matter: Current And Future Challenges

477 • Ripoll J.-F. (FR) & Reeves G. (US)

Radiation Belt Physics From Top To Bottom: Combining Multipoint Satellite Observations And Data Assimilative Models To Determine The Interplay Between Sources And Losses

478 • Rückriemen-Bez T. (DE) & Davies C. (UK)

A New Non-Equilibrium Model Of “Iron Snow” In Planetary Cores

479 • Temmer M. (AT)

Magnetic Open Flux And Solar Wind Structuring Of Interplanetary Space

480 • Verbeke C. (BE) & Mierla M. (BE)

Understanding Our Capabilities In Observing And Modeling Coronal Mass Ejections

481 • Ward M. (UK)

Active Galaxies In Crisis: A Statistical Study Of Ultra-Violet Variability (ISSI – ISSI Beijing Team)

482 • Waters R. (NL) & Kamp I. (NL)

Zooming In On Rocky Planet Formation

483 • Wright A. (UK)

The Identification And Classification Of 3D Alfvén Resonances

484 • Yizengaw E. (US) & Groves K. (US

Why Ionospheric Dynamics And Structure Behave Differently In The African Sector?

485 • Zambon F. (IT)

Deciphering Compositional Processes in Inner Airless Bodies of our Solar System

486 • Zdziarski A. (PL) & Belloni T. (IT)

Sombreros and Lampposts: The Geometry of Accretion onto Black Holes

Teams selected in 2018

422 • Alexander J. (US)

New Quantitative Constraints on Orographic Gravity Wave Stress and Drag: Satisfying Emerging Needs in Seasonal-to-Subseasonal and Climate Prediction

423 • Appourchaux T. (FR)

Probing the Core of the Sun and the Stars

424 • Biancale R. (FR) & Jäggi A. (CH)

International Combination Service for Time-variable Gravity Field Solutions

425 • Bucik R. (DE) & Drake J. (US)

Origins of 3He-Rich Solar Energetic Particles

426 • Chau J. (DE)

An Exploration of the Valley Region in the Lowlatitude Ionosphere: Response to Forcing from Below and Above and Relevance to Space Weather

427 • Drummond B. (UK)

An Intercomparison of 1D Chemical Kinetics Codes for Exoplanet Atmospheres

428 • Ettori S. (IT)

Witnessing the Culmination of Structure Formation in the Universe

429 • Fan Z. (CN)

Weak Gravitational Lensing Studies from Space Missions (ISSI – ISSI Beijing Team)

430 • Hauchecorne A. (FR)

Synergy between Satellite and Ground‐Based Observations for the Study of Middle Atmosphere Dynamics

431 • Hesse M. (NO)

Can Magnetic Reconnection Explain the Discrete Aurora?

432 • Jablonka P. (CH)


433 • Jeffrey N. (UK) & Effenberger F. (DE)

Solar Flare Acceleration Signatures and their Connection to Solar Energetic Particles

434 • Knight M. (US) & Fitzsimmons A. (UK)

First Contact: Making Sense of 1I/‘Oumuamua and Its Implications

435 • Kokhanovsky A. (DE) & Rosenfeld D. (IL)

Are We Doing the Right Satellite Observations and Analyses for Quantifying Cloud-Mediated Aerosol Climate Forcing?

436 • Lasue J. (FR) & Wiens R. (US)

Cross-Calibration of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Instruments for Planetary Exploration (ISSI – ISSI Beijing Team)

437 • Lue C. (SE)

Negative Ions in the Solar System

438 • McGranaghan R. & Camporeale E. (US)

Novel Approaches to Multiscale Geospace Particle Transfer: Improved Understanding and Prediction through Uncertainty Quantification and Machine Learning

439 • Mironova I. (RU)

Relativistic Electron Precipitation and its Atmospheric Effect (ISSI – ISSI Beijing Team)

440 • Motta S.E. (UK) & Casella P. (IT)

Looking at the Disc-Jet Coupling from Different Angles: Inclination Dependence of Black-Hole Accretion Observables

441 • Papaioannou A. (GR)

High EneRgy sOlar partICle Events Analysis (HEROIC)

442 • Paschmann G. (GE) & Phan T. (US)

Study of the Physical Processes in Magnetopause and Magnetosheath Current Sheets Using a Large MMS Database

443 • Robin A. (FR)

Gaia-BGM Exploiting Gaia data with the Besançon Population Synthesis Model for Understanding our Galaxy Evolution

444 • Romano D. (IT) & Zhang Z.-Y. (UK)

Chemical Abundances in the ISM: The Litmus Test of Stellar IMF Variations in Galaxies Across Cosmic Time (ISSI – ISSI Beijing Team)

445 • Rudnick G. (US)

COSWEB: The Cosmic Web and Galaxy Evolution

446 • Shapiro A. (DE)

Linking Solar and Stellar Variabilities

447 • Toledo-Redondo S. (ES)

Cold Plasma of Ionospheric Origin: Implication for Magnetospheric Dynamics

448 • Turc L. & Palmroth M. (FI)

Global Study of the Transmission of Foreshock ULF Waves into the Magnetosheath and the Magnetosphere

449 • Tziotziou K. (GR) & Scullion E. (UK)

The Nature and Physics of Vortex Flows in Solar Plasmas

450 • Valori G. (UK) & Pariat E. (FR)

Magnetic Helicity in Astrophysical Plasmas

451 • Venturini J. & Helled R. (CH)

Ice Giants: Formation, Internal Structure and the Link to Exoplanets

452 • Vincent J.-B. (DE)

Outcome of collisions in the Early Outer Solar System

453 • Watson C. (UK)

Towards Earth-like alien worlds: Know thy star, know thy planet

454 • Wilson L. (US)

Resolving the Microphysics of Collisionless Shock Waves

Teams selected in 2017

391 • Ballot J. (FR)

SOFAR – Seismology of Fast Rotating Stars

392 • Besley E. (UK)

Electrostatic Manipulation of Nano-Scale Objects of Lunar Regolith

393 • Boily C. (FR)

The Evolution of Rich Stellar Populations & Black Hole Binaries

394 • Brun A.S. (FR) & Matt S. (UK)

The Solar and Stellar Wind Connection: Heating Processes and Angular Momentum Loss

395 • Buechner J. (DE) & Hoshinoi M. (JP)

Plasma Heating and Particle Acceleration by Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection

396 • Chaffin M. (US)

Hydrogen Escape Across the Solar System and Beyond (ISSI – ISSI Beijing Team)

397 • Ciarniello M. (IT)

Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Surface Composition as a Playground for Radiative Transfer Modeling and Laboratory Measurements

398 • Dangendorf S. (DE) & Marcos M. (ES)

Towards a Unified Sea Level Record: Assessing the Performance of Global Mean Sea Level Reconstructions from Satellite Altimetry, Tide Gauges, Paleo-Proxies and Geophysical Models

399 • De La Cruz J. & Leenaarts J. (SE)

Studying Magnetic-Field-Regulated Heating in the Solar Chromosphere

400 • Dolgonosov M. (RU)

High-Energy Particles Sources and Powerful VHF Radiations in Electrically Active Atmosphere: Theoretical Models and Space Borne Instruments

401 • Froment C. (NO) & Antolin P. (UK)

Observed Multi-Scale Variability of Coronal Loops as a Probe of Coronal Heating

402 • Galand M. (UK)

Plasma Environment of Comet 67P after Rosetta

403 • Garcia R. (FR) & Zhu P. (CN)

An International Reference for Seismological Data Sets and Internal Structure Models of the Moon (ISSI – ISSI Beijing Team)

404 • Gastaldello F. (IT)

Soft Protons in the Magnetosphere focused by X-ray Telescopes

405 • Greco A. (I) & Khabarova O. (RU)

Current Sheets, Turbulence, Structures and Particle Acceleration in the Heliosphere

406 • Heil P. (AU) & Tilling R. (UK)

Satellite-Derived Estimates of Antarctic Snow- and Ice-Thickness

407 • Hénault-Brunet V. (NL) & Gieles M. (UK)

Globular Clusters in the Gaia Era

408 • Kontar E. (UK)

Low Frequency Imaging Spectroscopy with LOFAR – New Look at Non-Thermal Processes in the Outer Corona

409 • Kopeikin S. (US) & Mueller J. (DE)

Spacetime Metrology, Clocks and Relativistic Geodesy

410 • Kozlovsky A. (FI)

New Features in the Meteor Radar Observations and Applications for Space Research

411 • Lainey V. (FR)

Constraining the Dynamical Timescale and Internal Processes of the Saturn and Jupiter Systems from Astrometry (ENCELADE Team)

412 • Lazar M. (BE) & Fichtner H. (DE)

Kappa Distributions: From Observational Evidences via Controversial Predictions to a Consistent Theory of Suprathermal Space Plasmas

413 • Luna M. (ES)

Large-Amplitude Oscillations as a Probe of Quiescent and Erupting Solar Prominences

414 • Mann I. (NO)

Physics of Dust Impacts: Detection of Cosmic Dust by Spacecraft and its Influence on the Plasma Environment

415 • Nitta N. & Mulligan T. (US)

Understanding the Origins of Problem Geomagnetic Storms

416 • Olshevsky V. (BE) & Valentini F. (IT)

Magnetic Topology Effects on Energy Dissipation in Turbulent Plasma (ISSI – ISSI Beijing Team)

417 • Owens M. & Clette F. (UK)

Recalibration of the Sunspot Number Series

418 • Parenti S. (FR)

Linking the Sun to the Heliosphere using Composition Data and Modelling

419 • Paul A. (IN)

Multi-technique Characterization of Near-Earth Space Environment

420 • Pevtsov A. (US)

Reconstructing Solar and Heliospheric Magnetic Field Evolution Over the Past Century

421 • von Clarmann T. (DE) & Degenstein D. (CA)

Towards Unified Error Reporting (TUNER)

Teams selected in 2016

361 • Bonev B. (US)

From Qualitative to Quantitative: Exploring the Early Solar System by Connecting Comet Composition and Protoplanetary Disk Models

362 • Broomhall A.M. (UK)

Quasi-periodic Pulsations in Stellar Flares: a Tool for Studying the Solar-Stellar Connection

363 • Chi P. (US)

Investigating the Magnetosphere through Magnetoseismology

364 • Davis S. (US)

A Tropical Width Diagnostics Intercomparison Project

365 • Fragos T. (DK) / Zezas A. (GR)

Ultraluminous X-ray Sources: from the Local Group to the Very First Galaxies

366 • Galsgaard K. (DK)

Observation-Driven Modelling of Solar Phenomena

367 • Georgy C. (CH)

Towards a New Generation of Massive Star Models

368 • Giacalone J. (US)

The Physics of the Very Local Interstellar Medium and its Interaction with the Heliosphere

369 • Hwang K. J. (US)

MMS and Cluster Observations of Magnetic Reconnection

370 • Johnstone C. (AT)

The Early Evolution of the Atmospheres of Earth, Venus and Mars

371 • Jonker P. (NL)

Using Tidal Disruption Events to Study Super-Massive Black Holes

372 • Kneib J. P. (CH)

Strong Gravitational Lensing with Current and Future Space Observations

373 • Krivova N. (DE)

Towards a Unified Solar Forcing Input to Climate Studies

374 • Labrosse N. (UK)

Solving the Prominence Paradox

375 • Liu J. Y. (TW)

Ionospheric Space Weather Studied by RO and Ground-based GPS TEC Observations

376 • Miglio A. (UK)

AsteroSTEP – Asteroseismology of STEllar Populations

377 • Mowlavi N. (CH)

Understanding the Fate of Binary Systems in the Gaia Era (ISSI – ISSI Beijing Team)

378 • Roth M. (DE) / Zhao J. (US)

Studies of the Deep Solar Meridional Flow

379 • Sitnov M. (US)

Explosive Processes in the Magnetotail: Reconnection Onset and Associated Plasma Instabilities

380 • Snodgrass C. (UK)

Main Belt Comets

381 • Stevens B. (DE)

The Role of Shallow Circulations in Organizing Convection and Cloudiness in the Tropics

382 • Streltsov A. (US)

Past, Present and Future of Active Experiments in Space

383 • Thomason L. (US)

Stratospheric Sulfur and its Role in Climate (SSiRC)

384 • Tian H. (CN)

Diagnosing Heating Mechanisms in Solar Flares through Spectroscopic Observations of Flare Ribbons (ISSI – ISSI Beijing Team)

385 • Valls-Gabaud D. (FR)

Exploring the Ultra-Low Surface Brightness Universe

386 • Verth G. / Morton R. (UK)

Towards Dynamic Solar Atmospheric Magneto-Seismology with New Generation Instrumentation

387 • Wedemeyer S. (NO) / Bastian T. (US) / Hudson H. (UK)

A New View of the Solar-stellar Connection with ALMA

388 • Yoshikawa I. (JP)

The influence of Io on Jupiter’s Magnetosphere

389 • Zaqarashvili T. (AT)

Rossby Waves in Astrophysics

390 • Zhang S. (US)

Climate Change in the Upper Atmosphere (ISSI – ISSI Beijing Team)

Teams selected in 2015

332 • Andrews D. (SE) / Fischer G. (AT)

Rotational Phenomena in the Saturnian Magnetosphere

333 • Brasseur G. / Bouarar I. (DE)

Analysis of Persistent Regional Air Pollution in Asia

334 • Cabrera J. (DE)

Researching the Diversity of Planetary Systems

335 • Criscuoli S. (US)

Modeling Solar Irradiance with 3D MHD Simulations

336 • Deca J. / Wang X. (US)

Plasma – Surface Interactions with Airless Bodies in Space and the Laboratory

337 • Galloway D. (AU)

Nuclear Reactions in Superdense Matter – From the Laboratory to the Stars

338 • Grande M. (UK)

EuroMoon: Lunar Surface Composition and Processes

339 • Heavens A. / Hildebrandt H. (UK)

Cosmology with Size and Flux Magnification

340 • Ilie R. (US) / Ganjushkina N. (FI)

Ring Current Modeling: Uncommon Assumptions and Common Misconceptions

341 • Jackman C. (UK) / Paranicas C. (US)

Structure and Dynamics of Jupiter’s magnetosphere and boundary regions

342 • Kozarev K. / Nitta N. (US)

The Connection Between Coronal Shock Wave Dynamics and Early SEP Production

343 • Loew A. / Klepp C. (DE)

EO Validation Across Scales

344 • MacKinnon A. (UK)

Accelerated Ions – The Elusive Component of Solar Flares

345 • Makela J. (US) / Rolland L. (FR)

Understanding Solid Earth/Ocean-Ionosphere Coupling: Improving Models and Observational Capabilities for Monitoring Tsunamis from Space

346 • Martínez-Núñez S. (ES)

A Comprehensive View of Stellar Winds in Massive X-ray Binaries

347 • Oka M. (US)

Particle Acceleration in Solar Flares and Terrestrial Substorms

348 • Patsourakos S. (GR) / Vourlidas A. (US)

Decoding the Pre-Eruptive Magnetic Configurations of Coronal Mass Ejections

349 • Pitts M. (US)

Polar Stratospheric Cloud Initiative (PSCi) Workshops

350 • Plaschke F. (AT) / Hietala H. (UK)

Jets Downstream of Collisionless Shocks

351 • Prantzos N. (FR)

Galactic Cosmic Ray Origin and Composition

352 • Romano D. (IT)

The Formation and Evolution of the Galactic Halo – Setting the Scene for the Large Modern Surveys

353 • Schwadron N. (US)

Radiation Interactions at Planetary Bodies

354 • Skorov Y. (DE)

Physical Properties of Cometary Nuclei Assessed from the Development of 67P CG’s Activity

355 • Testa P. (US)

New Diagnostics of Particle Acceleration in Solar Coronal Nanoflares from Chromospheric Observations and Modeling

356 • Tian F. (CN)

Astrobiology in the New Age

357 • Vogt M. (US) / Masters A. (UK)

How does the Solar Wind Influence the Giant Planet Magnetospheres?

358 • Whiter D. (UK)

Multi-Scale Variations in Auroral Electron Precipitation

359 • Yeates A. (UK)

Comparison and Validation of Global Non-Potential Magnetic Models of the Solar Corona

360 • Young P. (US)

Solar UV Bursts – A New Insight to Magnetic Reconnection

Teams selected in 2014

299 • Aghanim N. / Douspis M. (FR)

SZ Clusters in the Planck Era

300 • Altamirano D. (UK) / Blaes O. (US)

The Extreme Physics of Eddington and Super Eddington Accretion onto Black Holes: a Comprehensive Study of the Eddington Limit Across Mass Scales

301 • Antolin P. (JP)

Implications for Coronal Heating and Magnetic Fields from Coronal Rain Observations and Modelling

302 • Balikhin M. (UK)

Analysis of Cluster Inner Magnetosphere Campaign Data, in Application the Dynamics of Waves and Wave-particle Interaction within the Outer Radiation Belt

303 • Bogdanova Y. (UK) / Lühr H. (DE)

Field-Aligned Currents: Their Morphology, Evolution, Source Regions and Generators

304 • Chen C. (UK) / He J. (CN)

Anisotropy and Intermittency in Solar Wind Turbulence (ISSI – ISSI Beijing Team)

305 • Cowan N. (US)

Solving the Exo-Cartographic Inverse Problem

306 • Dudok de Wit T. (FR)

Scenarios of Future Solar Activity for Climate Modelling

307 • Dunlop M. (UK)

Small Scale Structure and Transport During Magnetopause Magnetic Reconnection: from Cluster to MMS (ISSI – ISSI Beijing Team)

308 • Foerster M. (DE) / Cnossen I. (UK)

Magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere Coupling: Differences and Similarities between the Two Hemispheres

309 • Fulle M. (IT)

Analysis of the Circumnuclear Gas and Dust Coma of Comet 67P, the Rosetta Target, on the Basis of 3D and 3D+t Model Fits to Data Collected from Part of the Orbiter Payload

310 • Hestroffer D. (FR)

Asteroids & Self Gravitating Bodies as Granular Systems

311 • Higgins P. (IE) / Georgoulis M. (GR)

Improving the Reliability of Solar Eruption Predictions toFacilitate the Determination of Targets-of-Opportunity forInstruments With a Limited Field-of-View

312 • Lahoz W. (NO)

Adding Value to Soil Moisture Information for Climate Studies

313 • Lainey V. (FR)

Constraining the Dynamical Timescale and Internal Processes of the Saturn System from Astrometry

314 • Luna M. (ES)

Large‐Amplitude Oscillations in Solar Prominences

315 • Meyssignac B. (FR)

Contemporary Regional and Global Sea Level Rise: Assessment of Satellite & in-situ Observations and Climate Models

316 • Motta S. (ES) / Belloni T. (IT)

There it Spins: the Hunt for Black Hole Spins

317 • Mueller-Wodarg I. (UK)

Aeronomy of Terrestrial-sized Bodies (ISSI – ISSI Beijing Team)

318 • Opher M. / Hill M. E. (US)

Facing the Most Pressing Challenges to Our Understanding of the Heliosheath and its Outer Boundaries

319 • Papitto A. (ES)

The Disk-magnetosphere Interaction Around Transitional Millisecond Pulsars

320 • Pedatella N. (US)

A Three-Dimensional Ground-to-Space Understanding of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings through a Combination of Numerical Models, Satellite and Ground-Based Observations

321 • Picard B. (FR)

Climatological Aspects of Water Vapour and Wet Tropospheric Correction Covering the Altimetry Era (not active)

322 • Plainaki C. (IT)

Towards a global unified model of Europa’s exosphere in view of the JUICE mission

323 • Rachen J. (NL)

Bayesian Modeling of the Galactic Magnetic Field Constrained by Space and Ground-based Radio-millimetre and Ultra-high Energy Cosmic Ray Data

324 • Ray L. / Yates J. (UK)

Coordinated Numerical Modeling of the Global Jovian and Saturnian Systems

325 • Rudnick G. (US)

The Effect of Dense Environments on Gas in Galaxies over 10 Billion Years of Cosmic Time

326 • Russel A. / Fletcher L. (UK)

Magnetic Waves in Solar Flares: Beyond the “Standard” Flare Model

327 • Snow M. (US)

Solar Heliospheric Lyman Alpha Profile Effects (SHAPE)

328 • Thibaut P. (FR) / Rinne E. (FI)

Extension and Improvement of the Mean Sea Level Estimation in the Arctic Regions Using Space Altimetry Data

329 • Turner D. / Reeves G. (US)

Understanding Energetic Particle Injections and their Effect on Earth’s Outer Radiation Belt Electrons using Multipoint Observations

330 • Valori G. (IT) / Pariat E. (FR)

Magnetic Helicity Estimations in Models and Observations of the Solar Magnetic Field

331 • Warren H. (US)

Improving the Analysis of Solar and Stellar Observations

Teams selected in 2013

267 • Abbo L. (IT) / Ofman L. (US)

Slow Solar Wind Sources and Acceleration Mechanisms in the Corona

268 • Ballester J. L. (ES)

Partially Ionized Plasmas in Astrophysics (PIPA)

269 • Balme M. (UK)

Mapping the Northern Plains of Mars: Origins, Evolution and Response to Climate Change

270 • Cappi M. (IT) / Kaastra J. (NL)

Deciphering AGN out ows: Multi-wavelength monitoring of NGC5548

271 • Charbonnel C. (CH)

Massive Star Clusters Across the Hubble Time

272 • Coppola C. M. (IT)

Early Universe: Research On Plasma Astrochemistry

273 • DeRosa A. (IT)

Unveiling Multiple AGN Activity in Galaxy Mergers

274 • Dolman H. (NL)

Integrating Earth Observation Data the Description of Land Management Practices into Global Carbon Cycle Models

275 • Droege W. (DE)

Exploration of the inner Heliosphere – what we have learned from Helios and what we want to study with Solar Orbiter

276 • Dzifcakova E. (CZ) / Mason H.E. (UK)

Non-Equilibrium Processes in the Solar Corona and their Connection to the Solar Wind

277 • Fernandez Remolar D. (ES)

Multidisciplinary Search for Preservation Windows of Biomolecules in Modern and Ancient Terrestrial Analogs as a Proxy for Ancient Deposits of Mars

278 • Georgieva K. (BU)

Effects of Interplanetary Disturbances on the Earth’s Atmosphere and Climate

279 • Harra L. (UK)

Energy Transformation in solar and stellar flares

280 • Joachimi B. (UK)

Understanding Intrinsic Galaxy Alignments

281 • Johannessen J. A. (NO)

From 2D Mesoscale Surface Expressions to 3D Upper Ocean Dynamics

282 • Jones G. (UK)

The Science of Near-Sun Comets

283 • Kleint L. / Sainz A. (US)

Sub-arcsecond Observations and Interpretation of the Solar Chromosphere

284 • Limaye S. S. (US)

Towards a Self Consistent Model of the Thermal Structure of the Venus Atmosphere

285 • Long D. (UK) / Bloomfield S. (IE)

The Nature of Coronal Bright Fronts

286 • Ménard R. (CA) / Errera Q. (BE)

Study Group on the Added-value of Chemical Data Assimilation in the Stratosphere and Upper-troposphere

287 • Mironova I. A. (RU)

Specification of Ionization Sources Affecting Atmospheric Processes

288 • Page D. P. (MX)

Probing Deep into the Neutron Star Crust with Transient Neutron-Star Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries

289 • Paranicas C. (US) / Jackman C. (UK) / Sergis N. (GR)

Modes of Radial Plasma Motion in Planetary Systems

290 • Phan T. (US)

Ion and Electron Bulk Heating by Magnetic Reconnection

291 • Pogorelov N. V. (US) / Fichtner H. (DE)

Heliosheath Processes and Structure of the Heliopause: Modeling Energetic Particles, Cosmic Rays, and Magnetic Fields

292 • Sahraoui F. (FR) / Sundkvist D. (US)

Kinetic Turbulence and Heating in the Solar Wind

293 • Vandaele A. C. (BE) / Korablev O. (RU)

Sulfur Dioxide Variability in the Venus Atmosphere

294 • Wilson C. (UK) / Marcq E. (FR)

Improved Understanding of Venus Clouds

295 • Wiltberger M. (US)

Determination of the Global Conductance Pattern and its Influence on the Dynamics of Geospace

296 • Yamazaki R. / Matsukiyo S. (JP)

Physics of the Injection of Particle Acceleration at Astrophysical, Heliospheric, and Laboratory Collisionless Shocks

297 • Zimbardo G. (IT) / Fichtner H. (DE)

Superdiffusive Transport in Space Plasmas and its Influence on Energetic Particle Acceleration and Propagation

298 • Pulinets S. (RU) / Ouzounov D. (US)

Multi-instrument Space-Borne Observations and Validation of the Physical Model of the Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling

Teams selected in 2012

234 • Alexander J. (US)

Atmospheric Gravity Waves in Global Climate Prediction and Weather Forecasting Applications

235 • Alibert Y. (CH) / Lin D. (US)

Planetary Population Synthesis: Interpreting Present and Future Space Data

236 • Aschwanden M. (US)

Self-Organized Criticality and Turbulence

237 • Cumming A. (CA)

Thermonuclear Bursts: Probing Neutron Stars and their Accretion Environment

238 • DeRosa M. (US) / Wheatland M. S. (AU)

Nonlinear Force-Free Modeling of the Solar Corona: Towards a New Generation of Methods

239 • Fear R. (UK) / Maggiolo R. (BE)

Polar Cap Arcs: Understanding Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling and Magnetospheric Topology during Periods of Northward IMF

240 • Fillingim M. (US)

Kinetic Plasma Processes at Airless Bodies

241 • Finlay C. (DK)

Rapid Dynamics in the Earth’s Core: Assimilation of Satellite Observations into MHD models

242 • Fletcher L. (UK)

Observations and Modeling of Flare Chromospheres

243 • Fraschetti F. (US)

First Principles Physics for Charged Particle Transport in Strong Space and Astrophysical Magnetic Turbulence

244 • Gibson S. (US)

Coronal Magnetometry: Building Tools for Discovery

245 • Heil P. (AU) / Kern S. (DE)

Towards an Integrated Retrieval of Antarctic Sea Ice Volume

246 • Hocke K. (CH)

Characterizing Diurnal Variations of Ozone for Improving Ozone Trend Estimates

247 • Jablonka P. (CH)

The Evolution of the First Stars in Dwarf Galaxies

248 • Kartalev M. (BG)

Modeling Cometary Environments in the Context of the Heritage of the Giotto Mission to Comet Halley and of Forthcoming New Observations at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

249 • Kontar E. (UK)

X-ray and Radio Diagnostics of Energetic Electrons in Solar Flares

250 • Kronberg E. (DE)

Heavy Ions: Their Dynamical Impact on the Magnetosphere

251 • Lester M. (UK) / Opgenoorth H. (CH)

The Induced Magnetosphere of Mars: Physical Processes and Consequences

252 • Marsh D. (US)

Quantifying Hemispheric Differences in Particle Forcing Effects on Stratospheric Ozone

253 • Martinez S. (ES)

Unified View of Stellar Winds in Massive X-ray Binaries

254 • Nakariakov V. (UK) / Pilipenko S.(RU)

MHD Oscillations in the Solar Corona and Earth’s Magnetosphere: Towards Consolidated Understanding

255 • Neronov A. (CH)

Study of Gamma-ray Loud Binary Systems

256 • Pokhotelov O. (RU)

Large-scale Vortices and Zonal Winds in Planetary Atmospheres/ionospheres: Theory versus Observations

257 • Popel S. (RU)

Dusty Plasma Effects in the System Earth–Moon

258 • Raouafi N.-E. (US) / Pariat E. (FR)

Understanding Solar Jets and their Role in Atmospheric Structure and Dynamics

259 • Retino A. (FR)

Particle Acceleration at Plasma Jet Fronts in the Earth’s Magnetosphere

260 • Sibeck D. / Collier M. (US)

Solar Wind Charge Exchange Soft X‐ray Imaging in the Solar System

261 • Turrini D. (IT)

Vesta, the Key to the Origins of the Solar System

263 • van Bodegom P. (NL)

Towards a Full Integration of Earth Observation Products and Concepts in Land Surface Models

264 • Walsh A. (UK) / Haaland S. (NO)

Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries in the Coupled Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System

265 • Wedemeyer-Böhm S. (NO)

Magnetic Activity of M-type Dwarf Stars and the Influence on Habitable Extra-Solar Planets

266 • Wright A. (UK)

Magnetosphere and Ionosphere as a Coupled System: Theory and Observations

Teams selected in 2011

210 • Bradshaw S. (US) / Mason H. E. (UK)

Coronal Heating – Using Observables (flows and emission measure) to Settle the Question of Steady vs. Impulsive Heating

211 • De Pontieu B. / McIntosh S. (US)

Heating of the Magnetized Chromosphere: Confronting Models with Observations

212 • Fernandes V. A. (DE)

Updating the Lunar Chronology and Stratigraphy: New Laboratory and Remote Sensing Data and New Approaches to the Interpretation of Old Data

213 • Forsyth C. (UK)

Multi-point Studies of the Auroral Acceleration Region Using Cluster

214 • Foullon C. (UK)

Flow-driven Instabilities of the Sun-Earth System

215 • Galperin B. (US)

Zonal Jets and Eddies- Planetary Science and Satellite Oceanography at the Crossroads

216 • Goldwurm A. (FR)

Present and Past Activity of the Galactic Center Super-massive Black Hole and its Impact on the Central Molecular Zone of the Galaxy

217 • Goncharenko L. (US)

Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling during Stratospheric Sudden Warmings

218 • Goodwin S. (UK)

The Formation of Star Clusters

219 • Jokipii J. R. / Stone E. C. (US)

Address the Physics of the Heliopause

220 • Kaltenegger L. (US)

Characterizing Super-Earths and Life Advance through linking 1D/3D Atm. Models and their Resulting Observables

221 • Kokhanovsky A. (DE)

Aerosol Remote Sensing from Space

222 • Kopp G. (US)

An Assessment of the Accuracies and Uncertainties in the Total Solar Irradiance Climate Data Record

223 • Koutroumpa D. (FR) / Izmodenov V. (RU)

Spatial and Temporal Studies of the Heliospheric Interaction with the Local Interstellar Medium from SOHO/SWAN UV, IBEX Neutral Atom, and ACE and STEREO Pickup Ion Observations

224 • Lammer H. (AT)

Characterizing Stellar and Exoplanetary Environments via Observations and Advanced Modelling Techniques

225 • Liemohn M. (US) / Ganjushkina N. (FI)

Resolving Current Systems in Geospace

226 • Marchand R. (CA)

Interaction of Satellites with their Space Environment

227 • Minnett P. J. (US)

Generation of Climate Data Records of Sea-Surface Temperature from Current and Future Satellite Radiometers

228 • Mitrofanov I. (RU) / Boynton W. (US)

Lunar Volatiles

229 • Reisenfeld D. (US)

Advancing Our Understanding Of Solar Wind Fractionation

230 • Rickman H. (SE)

Deriving Physical Parameters of Atmosphereless Bodies in the Solar System by Modelling their Thermal Emission

231 • Schrijver K. (US) / Beer J. (CH)

Extreme Solar Flares as Drivers of Space Weather: From Science towards Reliable Statistics

232 • Stallard T. (UK)

Comparative Jovian Aeronomy

233 • Svalgaard L. (US)

Long-term Reconstruction of Solar and Solar Wind Parameters

Teams selected in 2010

187 • Borrero J. M. (DE)

Extracting Physical Information from Spectropolarimetric Observations. Comparison of Inversion Codes

188 • Chaplin W. J. (UK)

AsteroFLAG-Ensemble and Differential Seismology of Solar-Type stars

189 • Crosby N. B. (BE) / Horne R. B. (UK)

The Earth’s Radiation Belts: Physical Processes and Dynamic Modeling

190 • Cumming A. (CA)

Mapping Neutron Stars with Type I X-ray Bursts

191 • Ettori S. (IT)

Astrophysics and Cosmology with Galaxy Clusters: the X-ray and Lensing View

192 • Galsgaard K. (DK) / Zuccarello F. (IT)

Magnetic Flux Emergence in the Solar Atmosphere: Comparing Observational and Model Conditions Leading to Active Region Formation and to the Interaction of the newly Emerged Flux with the Ambient Magnetic Field

193 • Geppert W. D. (SE)

The Methane Balance – Formation and Destruction Processes on Planets, their Satellites and in the Interstellar Medium

194 • Hegglin M. (CA)

Atmospheric Trace Gas Data Set Inter-Comparison Project

195 • Jackman C. (UK)

Investigating the Dynamics of Planetary Magnetotails

196 • Kepko L. (US)

The Substorm Current Wedge

197 • Kitiashvili I. N. (US)

Filamentary Structure and Dynamics of Solar Magnetic Fields

198 • Leblanc T. (US)

Critical Assessment and Standardized Reporting of Vertical Filtering and Error Propagation in the Data Processing Algorithms of the NDACC Lidars

199 • Marcowith A. (FR)

Fermi Shock Acceleration Process: From Non-Relativistic to Ultra-Relativistic Shocks

200 • Marghitu O. (RO) / Vogt J. (DE)

Plasma Coupling in the Auroral Magnetosphere–Ionosphere System (POLARIS)

201 • Meylan G. (CH) / Kneib J.-P. (FR)

Future visible/near-infrared space telescopes and dedicated cosmological surveys to probe Dark Energy and Dark Matter

202 • Michel P. (FR) / Nakamura A. M. (JP)

Numerical and Laboratory Explorations of the Response of Solid Celestial Bodies and their Granular Surfaces to various Kinds of Stresses Under Variable Gravity

203 • Mironova I. A. (RU)

Study of Cosmic Ray Influence upon Atmospheric Processes

204 • Neronov A. (CH)

Study of Gamma-ray Loud Binary Systems

205 • Popova O. (RU) / Hartmann W. (US)

Utilizing the smallest Martian Craters to analyze Surface Ages and Geological Evolution

206 • Reissell A. (FI)

Remote Observation of Aerosol‐Cloud-Precipitation‐Climate Interactions

207 • Schönherr G. (DE)

Physics of the Accretion Column of X-ray Pulsars

208 • Wing S. (US)

Plasma Entry and Transport in the Plasma Sheet

209 • Wise M. (NL)

The Physical Mechanisms of AGN Feedback

Teams selected in 2009

161 • Alexander J. (US)

The Gravity Wave Project Merging Space- and Groundbased Observational Constraints for Gravity Wave Parameterizations in Climate Models

162 • Belloni T. (IT)

Strong gravitational field and ultra-dense matter in neutron stars

163 • Bertucci C. (AR)

Comparative Study of Induced Magnetospheres

164 • Delouille V. (BE)

Mining and exploiting the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory data in Europe

165 • Fletcher L. (UK) / Kasparova J. (CZ)

Solar Chromospheric Flares

166 • Galand M. (UK)

Saturn Aeronomy

167 • Gloeckler G. / Fisk L. (US)

Observations and Theories of Suprathermal Tails and Anomalous Cosmic Rays in the Heliosphere and Heliosheath

168 • Grocott A. (UK)

A statistical investigation into coupled magnetospheric-ionospheric dynamics via multi-scale, multi-instrument, data assimilation

169 • Heil P. (AU)

Space-borne monitoring of polar sea ice

170 • Hunt L. K. (IT)

MOlecules and DUst at LOw metallicity: MODULO

171 • Kempf S. / Schmidt J. (DE)

Enceladus as an active moon

172 • Kopeikin S. (US)

Theory and Model for the New Generation of the Lunar Laser Ranging Data

173 • Krucker S. / Hudson H. (US)

Submillimeter Solar Flare Observations

174 • Labrosse N. (UK)

Solar prominence formation and equilibrium: New data

175 • Lahoz W. (NO)

Land Data Assimilation: Making sense of hydrological cycle observations

176 • Lesur V. (DE)

The rapid temporal evolution of the observed magnetic field and the associated processes in the Earth’s liquid outer core

177 • Mann I. (JP)

Nano Dust in the Solar System: Formation

178 • Nichols J. (UK)

Auroras of the Outer Planets

179 • Oberst J. (DE)

Phobos and Deimos – After Mars Express

180 • Paschmann G. (DE)

Directional discontinuities in the interplanetary magnetic field

181 • Schaerer D. (CH)

Exploiting the Multi-Wavelength Lensing Survey

182 • Seppälä A. (UK/FI)

Geospace Coupling to Polar Atmosphere

183 • Tolstoy E. (NL)

Defining the full life-cycle of dwarf galaxy evolution: the Local Universe as a template

184 • Xie H. / Ozsoi-Cicek B. (US)

Monitoring Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice from Various Satellite Products

185 • Yordanova E. (SE)

Dispersive cascade and dissipation in collisionless space plasma turbulence – observations and simulations

186 • Zegers T. (NL)

Interior Layered Deposits: what do they tell us about Mars evolution?

Teams selected in 2008

141 • Arlt R. (DE)

A virtual observatory for meteoroids

142 • Brain D. A. (US)

Inter comparison of global models and measurements of the Martian plasma environment

143 • Chaplin W. J. (UK)

Astero FLAG-Sounding the stars

144 • Cid C. (ES)

From the Sun to the terrestrial surface: Understanding the chain

145 • Dunlop M. (UK)

Conjugate response of the dayside magnetopause and dawn/dusk flanks using Cluster-THEMIS conjunctions and ground based observations

146 • Fishbaugh K. E. (US)

The Martian polar deposits: Are they a Rosetta stone for the Mars climate?

147 • Frey H. (US)

Auroral small-and meso-scale structures, origin and function

148 • Gedalin M. (IL)

Relativistic reconnection and collisionless shocks

149 • Gibson S. (US)

Coronal prominence cavities

150 • Hanuise C. (FR)

Coupling of atmosphere regions with near-Earth space at mid and low latitudes

151 • Hinton J. A. (UK)

Identifying the UHECR accelerators using gamma-rays

152 • Hoffmann P. (DE)

Bridging the gap between the middle and upper atmosphere: coupling processes due to winds and waves over an extended altitude range

153 • Khotyaintsev Y. (SE) / Bale S. (US)

Magnetic reconnection and particle energization: Synergy of in-situ and remote observations

154 • Lämmerzahl C. (DE)

Investigation of the fly-by anomaly

155 • Massone A. (IT)

Determination of energy and angular distribution of accelerated electrons in solar flares

156 • Milan S. (UK)

Advances in understanding of the structure and dynamics of magnetic flux transfer at the Earth’s magnetopause

157 • Pernot P. (FR)

Intercomparison of 1D photochemical models of Titan atmosphere

158 • Streltsov A. V. (US)

Multi-scale electrodynamics of magnetosphere-Ionosphere interactions at high latitudes

159 • Tsiropoula G. (GR) / Madjarska M. (DE)

Solar small-scale transient phenomena and their role in coronal heating

160 • Türler M. (CH)

Decrypting and modeling the high-energy emission of Blazars

Teams selected in 2007

113 • Andreae M. (DE)

Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitationclimate Interactions

114 • Arridge C. (UK)

Mapping Magnetospheric Regions at Saturn: A Mini Jovian Aanalogue?

115 • Augereau J. C. (FR) / Krivov A. (DE)

Exozodiacal Dust Disks and Darwin

116 • Belloni T. (IT)

Probing the Accretion/Outflow Connection in X-Ray Binaries and Active Galactic Nuclei

117 • Cellino A. (IT)

Light Scattering Phenomena in Small Body Surfaces

118 • Droege W. (DE)

Transport of Energetic Particles in the Inner Heliosphere

119 • Ermolli I. (IT)

Interpretation and Modelling of Solar Spectral Irradiance Measurements

120 • Gombosi T. (US)

Comet Modeling

121 • Horns D. (DE)

Multi-Wavelength Study of Unidentified Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Sources: Finding the Cosmic Accelerators

122 • Kämpfer N. (CH)

Atmospheric Water Vapour

123 • Labrosse N. (UK)

Spectroscopy and Imaging of Quiescent and Eruptive Solar Prominences from Space

124 • Lammer H. (AT)

Evolution of Exoplanet Atmospheres and their Characterisation

125 • Lester M. (UK)

GeoSpace at the System-Level

126 • Meziane K. (CA)

A Study of Shock Acceleration Using Strong Turbulence Methods

127 • Mitrofanov I. (RU)

Nuclear Planetology

128 • Mumma M. (US)

Delivery of Water and Organic Matter to Young Terrestrial Planets

129 • Petrosyan A. (RU)

Martian Planetary Boundary Layer: Dynamics and Interactions with the Surface and Free Atmosphere

130 • Popova O. (RU)

Study Formation of Secondary Ejecta Craters and their Effects on Measurements of Planetary Chronology

131 • Poutanen J. (FI)

Observations and physics of accreting neutron stars

132 • Savin S. (RU)

Comparative Study of Turbulence and Anomalous Transport in Space and Fusion Plasmas

133 • Van Eyken T. (SE)

Towards More Effective Physics-Based and Statistical Models of the Polar Ionosphere

134 • Wakelam V. (FR)

A New Generation of Databases for Interstellar Chemical Modeling in Preparation for HSO and ALMA

135 • Wilhelm K. (DE)

Structure and Dynamics of Coronal Plumes and Inter-Plume Regions in Solar Coronal Holes

136 • Krasnoselskikh V. (FR)

High-Mach-Number Collisionless Shock Dynamics: Theory and Simulations Versus Multi-Point Measurements in Space

137 • Heil P. (AU)

Monitoring of Antarctic Sea Ice during IPY

138 • Overduin P. (DE)

Remote Sensing Baseline for Long-term Monitoring of the Arctic Circumpolar Coastal Observatory Network (ACCO-Net)

138 • Wilkinson J. (UK)

Is there Still a North East Water Polynya? Investigations into Fundamental Changes in the Region

139 • Sharov A. (AT)

Polar Observations by Laser Altimetry

Teams selected in 2006

100 • Izmodenov V. (RU)

Effects of Heliospheric Breathing Due to Solar Cycle Variations from Back-Scattered Lyman-Alpha

101 • Kaastra J. (NL)

Non-Virialized X-ray Components in Cluster of Galaxies

102 • Kosovichev A. (US)

Data Assimilation for Solar Dynamics and Dynamo and Forecast of Solar Activity Cycle

103 • Krucker-Hudson S. (US)

Coronal Hard X-ray Sources

104 • Mann I. (JP)

Dust – Plasma Interactions: Observations in the Interplanetary Medium and in the Environment of Solar System Objects

105 • Massone A. (IT)

The Rhessi Mission: Inversion Methods for Imaging Spectroscopy

106 • Müller-Wodarg I. (DE)

Aeronomy of Titan

107 • Nakariakov V. (UK)

Waves in the Solar Corona

108 • Parenti S. (BE)

The Role of Spectroscopic and Imaging Data in Understanding Coronal Heating

109 • Poletto G. (IT)

Role of Current Sheets in Solar Eruptive Events

110 • Pratzos N. (FR)

Electron – Positron Annihilation in the Milky Way from Positron Sources to Annihilation Sites

111 • Rozelot J.-P. (FR)

Investigating Solar Diameter, Shape and Irradiance

112 • Wilms J. (DE)

Formation of Cyclotron Lines in Neutron Star Accretion Columns

96 • Belehaki A. (GR)

Advances in the Scientific Basis for Monitoring, Modelling and Predicting Space Weather

97 • Chaplin W. (UK)

AsteroFLAG: from the Sun to the Stars

98 • De Grijs R. (UK)

Star Cluster Formation and Evolution in Context of Quiescent Versus Violent Star Formation Paradigm

99 • Dunlop M. / Fazakerley A. (UK)

Comparative Cluster-Double Star Measurements in the Magnetotail

Teams selected in 2005

78 • Amm O. (FI)

Ionosph/Magnetosphere Coupling and Induction Effects in a 3d Ionosphere Model

79 • Appourchaux T. (FR)

The Structure of the Solar Core: Search for G Modes

80 • Belmont G. (FR)

The Effect of ULF Turbulence and Flow Chaotization on Plasma Energy and Mass Tranfer at the Magnetopause

81 • Berghmans D. (BE)

Preparation of the Scientific Exploitation of SWAP and LYRA by the SCSL Team

82 • Cid C. (ES)

The Stages of Sun-Earth Connection

83 • Gombosi T. (US)

Comet Modeling

84 • Hamelin M. (FR)

Titan’s Ground-ionosphere Cavity after Huygens

85 • Korablev O. (RU)

Water in Mars Atmosphere: Comparison of Recent Data sets

86 • Kosovichev A. (US)

Subphotospheric Dynamics of the Sun

87 • Krymskii A. (RU)

Response of the Martian Ionosphere/Thermosphere to the Solar Radiation

88 • Lahoz W. (UK)

Assimilation of Envisat Data+C30 (ASSET): Analyses Intercomparison Project

89 • Lefeuvre F. (FR)

On the Use of Wave Field Measurements to Trace WPI in the Plasmasphere and at the Medium and Low Latitude Ionosphere

90 • Massone A. (IT)

The RHESSI Mission: X-ray Spectra and Image Analysis by Means of Inversion Methods

91 • Nakamura R. (AT)

Transiant Processes and Localized Structures in the Magnetotail: Analysis

92 • Pont F. (CH)

Transiting Extra-solar Planets

93 • Schaerer D. (CH)

Observing the Early Universe Thanks to Einstein’s General Relativity

94 • Turyshev S. (US)

Investigation of the Pioneer Anomaly

95 • Wiedenbeck M. (US)

Impulsive Solar Energetic Particles Events

Teams selected in 2004

62 • Baraffe I. (FR)

Formation, Structure and Evolution of Giant Planets

63 • De Grijs R. (UK)

Life and Death of Star Clusters

64 • Domingo V. (ES)

Relationship between Solar Magnetism and Irradiance

65 • Dudok de Wit T. (FR)

STEREOscopic Reconstruction of Coronal and Interpl. Structures

66 • Dunlop M. (UK)

Comparative Cluster-Double Star Meas. of Dayside Magnetosph

67 • Gray L. J. (UK)

Solar Influence on Climate

68 • Grün E. (DE)

Physics of Dusty Rings

69 • Guedel M. (CH)

Star Formation in the Taurus Molecular Cloud

70 • Kiraly P. (HU)

Solar/Heliospheric Sources of Suprathermal/Energetic Particles Through Solar Cycle

71 • Kosovichev A. (US)

Observations and Models of the Solar Cycle

72 • Lammer H. (AT)

Evolution of Habitable Planets

73 • Lester M. (UK)

Global Pattern of Ionospheric Effects of the IGW Caused by Auroral

74 • Lucek E. (UK)

Hot Flow Anomaly as a Generic Particle Energisation Process

75 • Möhlmann D. (DE)

Water Content of the Upper Martian Surface

76 • Popova O. (RU)

Interaction of Large Meteoroids with Atmosphere

77 • Scherer K. (DE)

Dynamic Heliosphere, Variable Cosmic Environments, Imprints in Earth Archives

Teams selected in 2003

50 • Gombosi T. (US)

Comet Modeling

51 • Erdös G. (HU)

Plasma Turbulence and the Propagation of Charged Particles in the Heliosphere

52 • Amm O. (FI)

Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Electrodynamics using Cluster and Ground Based Data

53 • Pavlinsky M. (RU)

Multi Wavelength Investigations of X/-Gamma Sources. Support of INTEGRAL Observations

54 • Bykov A. (RU)

Physics of SN Remnants in the Chandra

55 • McKenzie J. F. (SA)

Non Linear Plasma Waves-Solitons

56 • Chanteur G. M. (FR)


57 • Möbius E. (US)

Determination of the physical Hydrogen parameters of the LIC from within the Heliosphere

58 • Gedalin M. (IL)

Observable Features of Avalanching Systems

59 • Auchère F. (FR)

EUV Solar Irradiance at High Heliographic Latitutdes

60 • Winterhalter D. (US)

Search for Radio Emissions from Extra-Solar Planets

61 • Mazelle C. (FR)

Production and Transport of 1-30 kev Upstream Ions

Teams selected in 1995-2002

1 • Sibeck D. (US)

The Relationship between Ionospheric Transient Events

10 • Hagfors (DE) / Farley D. (US)

Incoherent Scattering from the Ionospheric Plasma

11 • Stasiewicz K. (SE)

Alfvenic Structures and their Relation to Discrete Auroras

12 • Lembege B. (FR)

Collisionless Shocks in the Earth’s Environment

13 • Glassmeier K. H. (DE ) / Szego K. (HU)

Physics of Mass Loaded Plasmas

14 • Schwartz (UK) / Paschmann G. (DE)

Small Scale Plasma Structures in the Magnetosphere

15 • Basilevskaya (RU)

Gnevyshev Gap Investigation

16 • Yu-Quing L. (US)

Waves in Magn. Multicomp. Plasma

17 • Paschmann G. (DE)

Advanced Data Analysis Methods

18 • Einaudi (IT)

Observational Consequences of Subresolution Physics in the Solar Atmosphere

19 • Feldstein (RU)

Injection and Dissipation of the Energy in the Earth

2 • Kiraly P. (HU)

Search for the Origin of Quiet-time Particle Fluxes in the Inner Heliosphere

20 • Shukla (DE)

Dust Plasma Interaction in Space

21 • Mall U. (DE)

Lunar Surface Events

22 • Geiss J. (CH) / Tosi M. (IT)

Local Late Galactic Evolution (LOLA-GE)

23 • Huntress W. (US)

Data Bank on Rates (Cometary)

24 • Altwegg K. (CH)

Data Bank of Coma Abundances

25 • Zurbuchen T. (US)

Tracing Coronal Hole Boundaries into the Solar Wind

26 • Colangeli L. (IT)

The Role of Laboratory Experiments in the Characterization of Cosmic Materials

27 • Balikhin M. (UK)

Analytic Study of Low Frequency Waves in High-Beta Plasma

28 • Pedersen A. (NO)

Multiscale dynamic processes near Magnetospheric Boundaries and in the Cusp

29 • Sibeck D. (US)

Travelling convection vortices: Correlated signatures and origins

3 • Lyatsky W. (RU) / Jacobsen B. (NL)

Experimental Study

30 • Möbius E. (DE)

Physical parameters of LIM through coordinated observations of the Gravitational Focussing cone at 1 AU

31 • Chang (UK) / Ganguli (US)

Most recent advances in Polar Wind theory and observations

32 • Cargill P. (UK)

Central Issues in Solar Flare Physics

33 • Bockelée-Morvan D. (FR)

Molecular Cloud and Comet Connection

34 • Voelk H. (DE)

Energetic Particles in the Galaxy

35 • Huebner W. (US)

Comet Nucleus-Coma Boundary Layer Model

36 • Gough (UK)

Solar Wind Disturbances and Properties of the Upper Ionosphere from INTERBALL and MIR Data

37 • Ehrenfreund P. (NL)

Prebiotic Chemistry: from the ISM to the Solar System

38 • Baumjohann W. (AT) / Roux (FR)

Substorm Onset Physics

39 • McDonald G. (US)

Cosmic Ray Modulation

4 • Huebner W. (US)

Modeling of the Cometery Nucleus

40 • Hartmann W. (CH)

Mars Bolides

41 • Winterhalter D. (US)

Mars Magnetism

42 • Feldstein (RU)

How to Quantify the Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Coupling?

43 • Izmodenov V. (RU)

Physics of the Heliotail

44 • Crifo F. (FR)

Advanced Modelling of Comet Halley Nucleus Activity

45 • Lefeuvre F. (FR)

Earthquakes Influence on Ionosphere as Evident from Satellite Plasma Density-Electric Field Data

46 • Balikhin M. (UK) / Pokhotelov D. (RU)

Identification of Low Frequency Waves in the Vicinity of Collisionless Shocks

47 • Sagdeev R. (RU)

Nonlinear Wave Turbulence in Space Plasma and its Identification

48 • McDonald G. (US)

10 Be/14 C

49 • Petrosyan A. (RU)

Role of Turbulence in Solar Physics

5 • Levasseur-Regourd A. (FR)

Constraints on the Physical Properties of Cometary Dust from in-situ Measurements

6 • Sauer K. / Dubinin E. (DE)

Plasma Environment near Mars. A Review after the Phobos Mission

7 • Treumann R. (DE)

Radio Emissions from the Heliopause

8 • Zarka P. (FR)

Ground based radio detection of extra-solar planets

9 • Chang T. (US)

Physical Processes in the Magnetosphere/Ionosphere

Image: Thibaut Roger/NCCR PlanetS