
International Space Science Institute (ISSI)Hallerstrasse 6
3012 Bern

Phone +41 31 684 48 96

Our scientific opportunities support the community through six distinct modes of operation. Links to proposal templates or on-line submission forms are provided for each individual tool.

Find explanations, forms of applications and an overview of current and past activities.

Workshops are selected by the ISSI directorate in consultation with the Science Committee. The Workshop programme and speakers are selected by a group of highly qualified experts acting as convenors. Each Workshop lasts a week and has up to 45 participants. Workshop participants work together to produce an on-line collection of peer-reviewed articles in Space Science Reviews or Surveys in Geophysics. This collection of review papers is then also published as a volume of the Space Science Series of ISSI (SSSI). All Workshop publications have Open Access status.


Establish status quo of our knowledge and identify key open questions in a scientific field of broad interest (Grand Challenges)


35 – 45 Participants
incl. ~15% early-career researchers


Online Collection of peer-reviewed articles in Space Science Reviews or Surveys in Geophysics and also published as a volume in Space Science Series of ISSI

Starting Point

Proposed by ISSI directorate, or by community in consultation with ISSI staff


1 week
single event

ISSI Support

↷ Per diem
↷ Accommodation
↷ Book publication costs
↷ Travel costs for

Credits: ESO/L. Calçada
22–26 July 2024

Exocomets: Bridging our Understanding of Minor Bodies in Solar and Exoplanetary Systems

The main goal is to bring together researchers working on exocomets, relevant areas of exoplanetary research and protoplanetary disks, as well as Solar System comet researchers. It will provide a forum to discuss recent progress in exocomet research, transfer knowledge between fields and prepare for the utilization of ...

Main Convener(s)

G. Jones

NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/Jeremy Schnittman
17–21 June 2024

Accretion Disks: The First 50 Years

The Workshop will cover the current standing of the accretion disk paradigm, a historical review of progress of our understanding of the engine powering accretion, an overview of observational discoveries shedding light on the accretion geometry, as well as a discussion of possible future directions....

Main Convener(s)

A. Veledina, M. Falanga

22–26 April 2024

Electron Kinetic Physics: The Next Frontier in Space and Astrophysical Plasmas

This Workshop explores key science questions in the interdisciplinary field of electron-astrophysics. This emerging field studies the fundamental plasma processes in the electron-kinetic regime and their impact on the global dynamics and thermodynamics of space and astrophysical plasmas.


Main Convener(s)

D. Verscharen, T. Dudok de Wit

Credits: Foreground: Courtesy of Lena Noack, FU Berlin, Background: NASA, ESA, and S. Beckwith (STScI) and the HUDF Team)
8–12 April 2024

The Geoscience of Exoplanets: Going Beyond Habitability

The Workshop will cover a wide range of topics, bringing exoplanet observers and modellers, astrophysicists, planetary scientists, astrobiologists and Earth scientist together to learn about Earth-sized rocky planets in general and discuss the chances of finding extraterrestrial life and strategies of how to best detec...

Main Convener(s)

A. Giménez , T. Spohn, R. Nakamura

11–15 March 2024

The Chronology of the Very Early Universe According to JWST: The First Billion Years

This is the first in the new series of Breakthrough Workshops that we are starting at ISSI. Breakthrough Workshops are designed to address one key question in science, by gathering the main experts on the topic, invite them to spend a week in a neutral and welcoming environment, discuss the issues, and produce one high...

Main Convener(s)

A. Nota and P. Oesch

22–26 January 2024

Physical Links Between Weather and Climate in Space and the Lower Atmosphere

This workshop will support a deeper understanding of the solar and terrestrial interactions through energy and momentum transfer processes between the ionosphere and the upper- and middle atmosphere, thus possibly enabling the detection of signatures by natural and anthropogenic hazards....

Main Convener(s)

M. Rast

Credit: Science Communication Lab for DESY
11–15 December 2023

Megavolt Sky Astronomy

Gamma-ray astronomy has experienced a period of very impressive scientific advances and successes during the last decade. In the high-energy range studied with space instruments above 100 MeV, the AGILE and Fermi missions led to important discoveries....

Main Convener(s)

E. Amato, M. Falanga

13–17 November 2023

Remote Sensing In Climatology – ECVs and their Uncertainties

Severe and ongoing changes in the Earth’s environments have been witnessed over recent years, resulting from anthropogenic climate forcing. For decades now, remote sensing data are being collected from space observations, providing unique insights into the state of the Earth’s spheres....

Main Convener(s)

R. Hohensinn, M. Rast

18–22 September 2023

Magnetic Switchbacks in the Young Solar Wind

The Workshop aims at providing a more comprehensive understanding of the nature and elusive origin of magnetic switchbacks as observed in the inner heliosphere, and their role in structuring the solar corona. Switchbacks have received considerable attention since the Parker Solar Probe Mission has found them to be ubiq...

Main Convener(s)

M. Velli, T. Dudok de Wit

5–9 June 2023

Evolution of the Solar System: Constraints from Meteorites

The Workshop presents research on primitive meteorites and how results fit into theoretical models of the early solar system. The impact of recent progress in analytics, and of samples returned from asteroidal bodies advances the understanding of the formation of meteorites and their components and ultimately the forma...

Main Convener(s)

H. Palme

Image: Thibaut Roger/NCCR PlanetS