Dear friends of ISSI,
Dear visitors of our web page,
The ISSI web page has been renovated recently thanks to Andrea Fischer and Saliba Saliba. ISSI is proud to present itself to the interested reader with a fresher look but keeping the organization of the website clearly structured and familiar so that interested users can find what they need easily and quickly.
I hope you and your loved ones are safe in this time of crisis! As many others, ISSI and its activities have been hit by the pandemic, but fortunately, no staff member has become ill. We have turned to teleworking as of March 17th and will remain so at least until the end of the eastern recess. But the ISSI office can be reached by phone and mail will be checked daily thanks to the presence of at least one ISSI staff on duty. The easiest way to reach us these days, though, is by email.
ISSI teams and workshops up to mid-May have been postponed. We will be watching the situation and adjust as it will evolve. Decisions about postponements have and will be taken together with the team leaders and the conveners at least six weeks prior to the scheduled event. As of today, there are no postponements of decisions on proposals and applications submitted to ISSI.
We all hope that the damage to the ISSI program can be kept to a minimum; we will resume as soon as the situation and the authorities will allow. ISSI will step-up its activities after the crisis to allow postponed meetings to occur as soon as possible.
In the meantime, our thoughts and sympathies are with those all over the world hit by COVID 19!
Stay safe and hope to meet you all in person at ISSI sometime soon!
Tilman Spohn
ISSI executive Director