ESA Director General Josef Aschbacher, Tilman Spohn, ISSI Executive Director, and Maurizio Falanga, ISSI Director (from right to left – first row) signing the cooperation contract in the presence of Giovanni Colangelo, ESA Inspector General, Günther Hasinger, ESA Director of Science, Renato Krpoun, Head of the Swiss Space Office (SSO), and Fabio Favata, ESA Coordinator for Astronomy and Fundamental Physics missions (from right to left – second row). (Photo: Philippe Sebirot)
The agreement of cooperation will foster the multi-disciplinary exploitation of space science and Earth science data from ESA missions to maximize their scientific return. ISSI’s commitment is to advance science by facilitating scientific discourse and offering the broad European and global scientific community a forum for scientific meetings and conferences with the ultimate goal to identify, address and resolve key scientific questions that have major implications for space and Earth science and humanity in general. The ESA support through the three year contract provides increased financial stability for ISSI and is gratefully acknowledged.