Group photo of the interdisciplinary conference participants including ISSI Director Maurizio Falanga. (Image source: World Trade Institute, WTI)
Participants delved into the applicability of current economic concepts to outer space activities and examined the complexities of international economic law in this emerging domain. From exploring the potential application of existing trade, investment, and tax laws to space-based commerce to identifying new areas for multidisciplinary research, the conference provided a platform for rich discussions and insights.
Jointly hosted by the World Trade Institute (WTI), the University of Bern, and ISSI, with support from the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law (SICL), COSPAR, and the University College Dublin (UCD), this event aimed to pave the way for future collaborations and advancements in understanding the economics and law of space commerce. Representatives from the Swiss Space Office (SSO) and the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (EDA) also contributed to the vibrant exchange of ideas.
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