Published: 13 February 2023
Word from the Director
ISSI Staff

From the desk of the ISSI Executive Director

Dear ISSI community,

I am absolutely delighted to have an opportunity to connect with you all and start a dialogue that I hope will continue for many years to come.

After one month on the job as Executive Director, I would like to share with you my first thoughts. In this post-pandemic world, more than ever there is the need for a place where scientists can gather and tackle key scientific questions together. ISSI is such a place: a beautiful institution that advances science by facilitating scientific discourse. Scientists are eager to meet in person, and do what they do best: debate, solve problems, move their field forward. ISSI offers a wonderful location and infrastructure to facilitate that, and continues working at full capacity to satisfy your collective requests. This can only happen thanks to a truly outstanding and dedicated staff, and I am honored to work with them.