
International Space Science Institute (ISSI)Hallerstrasse 6
3012 Bern

Phone +41 31 684 48 96

Our scientific opportunities support the community through six distinct modes of operation. Links to proposal templates or on-line submission forms are provided for each individual tool.

Find explanations, forms of applications and an overview of current and past activities.

Working Groups are set up for specific tasks, especially tasks of an applied or technical nature. Working Groups meet several times at ISSI to work on their project. Their work is often published as volumes of the ISSI Scientific Report Series (SR), or in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. All SR volumes have Open Access status.

Working Groups

Advance a topic of applied or technical nature, leading to a deliverable that has legacy value for a wider community.


5 – 15 Scientists


A volume in ISSI’s Scientific Reports series or paper(s) in a peer-reviewed journal

Starting Point

Initiated by ISSI directorate, or by community in consultation with ISSI staff


3 – 5 days
multiple meetings until objectives reached, usually within 2 – 3 years

ISSI Support

↷ Per diem
↷ Accommodation
↷ Book publication costs
↷ Travel costs for

Global Terrestrial Water Storage Product

Group leader(s)

Eva Boergens

Disentangling Pulse Profiles of (Accreting) Neutron Stars

Group leader(s)

C. Malacaria

Analysis Methods for Multi-Spacecraft Data

Group leader(s)

G. Paschmann

The Evolution of Mars

Group leader(s)

J. Geiss

Earth Observation Open Science and Innovation 2.0

Group leader(s)

P.-P. Mathieu


Group leader(s)

V. Minier

Consistency of Integrated Observing Systems Monitoring the Energy Flows in the Earth System

Group leader(s)

K. von Schuckmann

Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation

Group leader(s)

M. Scholze

Cross-calibration of past FUV experiments

Group leader(s)

E. Quémerais

Venus Climate

Group leader(s)

L. Bengtsson

Collisionless Shocks in the Heliosphere

Group leader(s)

R. Treumann

Calibration Techniques for In-Situ Plasma Instrumentation

Group leader(s)

M. Wüest

Composition of Comets – in preparation for Rosetta

Group leader(s)

K. Altwegg

Photons in Space

Group leader(s)

M.C.E. Huber

Radiometric Calibration of SOHO

Group leader(s)

R. von Steiger

Designing a Low-Inclined Nanosatellite Mission to Improve the Science Return of the ESA Swarm Constellation

Group leader(s)

G. Hulot

Ionospheric Multi-Spacecraft Analysis Tools

Group leader(s)

H. Lühr, M. Dunlop

Satellite Earth Observation for Atmosphere-Ocean Gas Exchange;

Group leader(s)

J. Shutler

Passive Virtual Sea Ice Mission

Group leader(s)

S. Mecklenburg and M. Drusch

Auroral Research Coordination: Towards Internationalised Citizen Science (ARCTICS)

Group leader(s)

M. Grandin, B. Gallardo-Lacourt

Why Do We Still Have a “Coronal Heating Problem” 8 Decades After Edlen’s 1943 Article?

Group leader(s)

P. Judge

Global Assessment of Limnological, Estuarine and Neritic Ecosystems (GALENE)

Group leader(s)

A. Bracher & M. Rast

The Scientific Performance of ESA’s Science Missions

Group leader(s)

A. Parmar

Solar Forcings for CMIP7

Group leader(s)

B. Funke and T. Dudok de Wit

Observing Photons in Space (3rd edition)

Group leader(s)

A. Parmar, M.C.E. Huber

The Variability of the Airglow for the Detection of Atmospheric Dynamics

Group leader(s)

M. Rast, M. Bittner, S. Wüst

Towards a Universal Tracers Portal in Astrobiology

Group leader(s)

I.-L. ten Kate, L. Noack and E. Javaux

Passive Virtual Sea Ice Mission

Group leader(s)

S. Mecklenburg and M. Drusch

Extant subsurface Life on Mars? Science, Tools & Missions Together

Group leader(s)

J. Mustard

Mesoscale Dynamics in Observations and Simulations

Group leader(s)

L. Kepko

Image: Thibaut Roger/NCCR PlanetS