
International Space Science Institute (ISSI)Hallerstrasse 6
3012 Bern

Phone +41 31 684 48 96

Our scientific opportunities support the community through six distinct modes of operation. Links to proposal templates or on-line submission forms are provided for each individual tool.

Find explanations, forms of applications and an overview of current and past activities.

From the Directors

25. April 2024

Congratulations to Dr. Linda Tacconi!

2024 Caroline Herschel Medal

15. November 2023

Michael R. Meyer has been selected as the Johannes Geiss Fellow 2024

The International Space Science Institute ISSI is proud to announce Prof. Michael R. Meyer (University of Michigan, USA) as the Johannes Geiss Fellow 2024.

9. November 2023

ISSI as an Observer of the Virtual Alpine Observatory (VAO)

The International Space Science Institute is now an associated partner in the research network of the Virtual Alpine Observatory (VAO).

19. September 2023

Science for a Better World

We have previously expressed ISSI’s concern about the invasion of Ukraine and the resulting humanitarian crisis. The need to maintain science as a platform for dialogue even in times of conflict has become more prominent. As this war continues and other tensions rise around the world, it seems more important than ever to maintain institutions where such peaceful and constructive dialogue can take place. Science is a universal language that knows no geographical or political boundaries, nor boundaries related to race, gender or sexual orientation.

ISSI provides an open and neutral environment where such open and free discussions about Space and Earth Science, and related fields can take place. Dialogue between scientists promotes not only better science, but also a better mutual understanding among people of different origins and cultures. At ISSI we like to think of this as our own small contribution to a better world.

The Team at ISSI and Willy Benz, chair of the Board of Trustees

3. August 2023

Rumi Nakamura and Geraint Jones appointed as ISSI Discipline Scientists

ISSI is pleased to announce that Dr. Rumi Nakamura and Prof. Geraint Jones have been appointed as Discipline Scientists as of 1st July 2023. We welcome two outstanding additions to the ISSI Team: Plasma Discipline Scientist Dr. Rumi Nakamura, and Planetary Discipline Scientist Prof. Geraint Jones. Not only Discipline Scientists provide scientific expertise that is complementary to the current ISSI portfolio, but, most important, they are ISSI Ambassadors with their unique communities. As such, they will  channel ideas and develop scientific initiatives that will best  serve their community, while at the same time explore ways to identify how best ISSI can advance  the scientific discourse in their respective fields.

2. August 2023

JWST Opens New Scientific and Collaborative Avenues at ISSI

Last July scientists and journalists gathered at ISSI to celebrate the unveiling of the first JWST images and spectra. On this occasion Willy Benz, the new chair of ISSI’s BoT, anticipated that JWST would be an observatory that everyone will want to use. The ISSI community is certainly no exception in this respect, with at least two ISSI International Teams securing JWST observing time this spring.

8. February 2023

Antonella Nota is named as 2023 AAS Fellow

17. January 2023

Sandra Chapman has been selected as the Johannes Geiss Fellow 2023

20. December 2022

ESA and ISSI sign an Agreement of Cooperation on December 15, 2022

14. March 2022

Marco Velli is elected as the Johannes Geiss Fellow 2022

7. February 2022

Visiting Scientists Application

2. February 2022

Dr. Vittorio Manno

23. September 2021

Mark Sargent, ISSI Science Program Manager

3. August 2021

Prof. Dr. Maurizio Falanga is the new ISSI Administrative Director as of 1st of August 2021

25. January 2021

Prof. em. Dr. Hans Balsiger

17. July 2020

ISSI Tuesday Tea(m) Time 1551

11. February 2020

Obituary Prof. Johannes Geiss (1926-2020)

A Spiral Amongst Thousands
Credits ESA/Webb, NASA & CSA, A. Martel